Rejection is like that aching tooth you know you have to get pulled but you dread the pain. The aching tooth has no value to you. It is the pain you are worried about. As soon as it is all over you feel better and a new tooth is put in its place. In time you forget you ever had the pain at all. You have a new tooth and you are smiling again.
Rejection can be a problem if you are someone who ties it with your self worth. If rejection means to you that you didn’t get what you wanted and that means you are unworthy, get over yourself. It has nothing to do with your worth. It just means it is not right for you. Maybe it means that you are not ready and you need to work on something. Rejection helps us weed out the old and bring in the new. Don’t take it personal.
Rejection doesn’t have to be ugly either. Have you seen those reality shows where someone who has to deal with rejection falls apart? Boy it isn’t pretty. We don’t have to fall apart or blame the other party. This makes the rejection look like rejection. Actually, it is the person, who feels rejected, way of pushing the rejection off them by making a show towards the rejecting party. The rejected rejects the rejecting. Creating a seen is also a bully tactic to get what they want. Either way it is not pretty.
You can accept rejection with dignity then it turns into a learning experience. Being able to accept rejection shows character, it shows you have some sense about you. It leaves the door open for you. It clears the path for what is right and good for you.
Don’t misunderstand rejection. You also have the right to reject what is not right for you or something you are just not ready for. If you are someone who will do anything to be accepted, you may be setting yourself up for big problems.
Acceptance belongs to you. It is something you use to allow something in or out of your life. You either accept or you don’t accept. You don’t give others the power of what you accept. Do you accept disrespect, belittlement, or abuse just to feel you belong? If something doesn’t feel right, it is most likely not right. Accepting something right feels right. Only you can hold on to that. Accepting something wrong feels wrong. Only you can let go of that.
You can accept what is right for you. You can accept responsibility for your decisions and follow through with right and just conduct. No matter what the situation. Accepting is something you do for yourself. It was never meant to be used towards other people. People are supposed to just let people be. Be as in being. Acceptance is used to choose between right or wrong, or what is good or bad. The choice is yours. Rejection is your tool. Acceptance is your power. Don’t give them away.
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