Dec 1, 2008

Signs of a Man Falling in Love With You

When it comes to matters of the heart, men aren't the easiest to understand. As women, we want and crave to know when the man we are with has fallen for us. Unfortunately, not all men are that clear or vocal about what they are feeling. There are some signs of a man falling in love that can help a woman gain some insight into what her guy is feeling.

One of the subtle signs of a man falling in love is his need for connection. When a man's feelings shift from like to love he craves more time with the woman he's with. If you notice that the man in your life can't seem to get enough of you and would do just about anything to have even a few minutes of your uninterrupted time, he's hooked. On the other hand, if the man you are with makes constant excuses for why you two can't see one another, he's just not that emotionally invested in the relationship.

Another of the signs of a man falling in love is that he wants you to experience new things. Most of us have dated a guy who was content just staying at home and sharing intimate time together. Although this is flattering, it doesn't build a foundation for a loving relationship. When a man is in love he wants the best for the woman he's with. He wants to experience all kinds of things with her, not just intimacy. If your boyfriend rarely suggests you two go out and you never take a vacation together, that's not a good sign.

You can also tell a man is feeling more committed emotionally to a woman if he spends money on her. If you're with a genuinely generous man this sign is a little harder to decipher. However, if you're with a man who is always complaining about not having enough money and he frequently waits for you to pay for things that's worth noting, especially if you know that he can afford it.

Specific things you say and do can make a man feel helplessly drawn to you. If you are convinced he is the one there are things you can do to ensure he only has eyes for you.
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