Jan 1, 2009

Why He Dumped You

The worst breakups are the ones you never see coming. You were into him, he was into you, the future looked bright - right up until he bailed on you.

Wondering what went wrong? Hint: Sometimes, it really is "not you," it's him.

Bad Timing
The biggest dating difference between men and women can be summed up like this: women get serious when they meet the right man. Men get serious with whomever they're dating when they're finally ready to settle down. Which means he may date you, his dream girl, for two years...dump you unceremoniously and then marry the next girl he hooks up with.

Play On
Some guys suffer from a "grass is greener" mentality, and will wonder if he can't do a little better with a new girl, no matter how great his current one is. Others are compelled to put up as many notches on his bedpost as he can before settling down. Until he grows up - or fulfills his sexual checklist - he's a flight risk.

Not Enough
Yeah, yeah, "he's just not that into you." Cliché, maybe, but true. He may bail when he realizes that as much as he likes you, he just doesn't see it evolving into True Love. He may stick around for awhile and enjoy a few good times, but as soon as he realizes you're more serious about him than he is about you, he'll give you a guilty heave-ho.

Fear Factor
Guys generally have a pretty thick shield around their emotions; they're wusses when it comes to getting hurt. If he thinks he's too into you, that he'll be destroyed if you break it off with him, he may make a preemptive strike and get out before you do.
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