Jan 14, 2009

Suffering a relationship breakup? Try these Advice

The first step to recovery is to acknowledge that the relationship is over. Once this has been done, let go of any grievances, try to end on a happy note remebering the good times. If there are any unresolved practical issues deal with them as soon as you can.

Call friends, even ones that you may not have spoken to for a while, you need the support of good friends. Allow yourself to grieve and cry. Friends will be around to help you through this. Don't deny the sadness but realize that it will pass (you know it will!!!).

Once the intial period of mourning is over, distract and indulge yourself. Take walks, eat chocolate, go on a vacation and anything else that makes you feel good.

Go to parties, functions, and do things that you may not have done when you were in the relationship. This helps you to find some positive reason for the breakup.

If you are still unable to recover, or are feeling increasingly depressed consider joining a support group or speak to your doctor.

Get a journal and write in it. Writing is a good way of expressing feeling without having to disclose them. It also helps you to rationalize. Avoid thinking too much about what went wrong until you are further along the road to recovery, it may unnecessarily dent your self- esteem.

Do not make any decisions or do anything that you may later regret. This is a highly emotional state that will pass.

Start dating again when you feel ready, let friends set you up!!

Look forward to what your new life has to offer.
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