Jan 4, 2009

Tips For Your First date

The first date, is there anything worse? The anxiety can get the best of us. Knowing what to say and do can send otherwise rational people into a tailspin.

Learning the ends and outs of the dating scene means evaluating where you stand in the scheme of dating. Age and life experience can have everything to do with where you might choose to go on a first date and what topics might seem appropriate. The idea is to find out about the other person and evaluate whether they fit into your relationship needs. What do you want to know? What is important to you? What kind of impression do you want to make?

Here are five tips to get you started on a first date:

1. Keep it simple.
This means everything from your choice for where to go to the topics you are discussing. Entertaining conversations about politics, religion and morals can be important clues as to whether you are on the same path but at the same time can be explosive and cause a misunderstanding that might not be recovered from. Asking questions about past relationships or launching into your last relationship is a direction that shouldn’t be entered the first time out. To keep it simple choose a place where you can speak directly to each other and be heard. Keep your topics fairly informative and easy to respond to and don’t pry.

Keeping it simple also means having a few backup plans in mind before you head out. Do this whether or not you are the initiator of the first date. Weather changes, traffic backups, and sold out movies can throw a wrench in your plans. Backup plans can keep you on track and show that you are a capable and flexible person.

2. Dress the part.
Make an effort to look your best. This does not mean dressing out of character or as if you were headed to a formal event it means dressing appropriately for the occasion. If new clothes are in order then by all means purchase them. If you decide to stick with what you own then make sure you are clean, pressed, and your clothes fit well. Be comfortable and presentable and you can focus on the other person instead of that strap that keeps slipping or the shirt that is too tight.

3. Remember your manners.
Noticing the other person, acknowledging them and not hogging the conversation as well as keeping track of basic etiquette, like closing your mouth when you chew or not accepting cell phone calls while you are on a date, all fall into this category. Listening actively, staying positive and not over doing alcohol intake are important as well. Remember, a first date is meant as a way of introduction and the impressions you make here will reflect on you whether there is a second date or not. Avoid telling jokes because they can offend easily.

4. Maintain eye contact.
The ability to look directly at someone means you are interested in that person. Looking away or past someone indicates that you are bored and uninterested. You can turn someone off very quickly or make him or her feel uncomfortable if you are unable to converse directly with the person.

5. Finish on a pleasant note.
Even if it was the first date from hell or you just were not interested, be pleasant and thank the person for the date. The other person may be feeling the same way so ending on a polite note is best.

If you are interested in a second date call the next day and ask for one. If you are turned down, thank the person for the time they spent with you previously, say goodbye and hang up. There are a million reasons a person may refuse and taking it personally is unproductive and keeps you from moving on to find the right person to date
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