Jan 17, 2009

Seduce a Girl on the Phone

So you have got her phone number and are contemplating of calling her up - but stuck at the thought of not knowing what to talk about. When it comes to 'phone game', it is really different from, say, approaching a girl at the club - irrespective of whether you are calling her up for the first or the eleventh time. There is a bigger risk attached to seduction on the phone because you will need to be quick on your feet all the time - once the conversation become stale she will hang up the phone. There are some quick tips which you can use to make your chances better - master these techniques and girls will absolutely love talking to you. Read on to discover these tactics and be unstoppable over the phone...

How To Seduce A Girl On The Phone - Three Essential Tactics

Tactic Number One - "The First Hurdle - Humor". Aim to get her to laugh in the first 3 minutes. That is your one and only goal for the start of the conversation. Once you get her to laugh, you will be able to 'hook' her for the next couple of minutes.

Tactic Number Two - "The Second Hurdle - Cliffhanger". Once you have reached the 'hook' point - tell her an interesting story, but reserve the ending for the next call. This will pique her curiosity and make her want to talk to you more.

Tactic Number Three - "Fractionation". When talking to her, bring her through an emotional rollercoaster - make her feel both happiness AND sadness, pleasure AND pain. This will give her the 'drama' that she secretly wants in her life. This technique, called fractionation, is lifted from the field of hypnosis, and is reputed to be able to make women fall in love in as little as 14 minutes.
You must heed this warning...
Fractionation is considered as a 'dark art' tactic, and while controversial, it is known to be one of the most effective tactics ever invented by underground seductionists.

These psychology tactics are highly unconventional techniques that are used by the secret elite in the seduction community. Use at your own risk. I personally vouch for the effectiveness of these tactics, but care must be taken as they could be outright dangerous in the hands of the unscrupulous.
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