Jan 23, 2009

What's flirting and what's cheating?

I can't count the amount of times I've been approached by a friend who struggles with these definitions. Usually an episode within their love-life brings some serious questions into their minds. Where does the line of flirting begin and end? Can flirting be considered cheating? Can flirting lead to cheating? In marriage, what are the rules?

First of all, I looked up the word, flirting, and two definitions came up. In the first instance, flirting is defined as, "playful behavior intended to arouse sexual interest". In the second occurrence, the definition of the word is, "to behave amorously without serious intent, to show superficial or casual interest". The text definitions are as contrary as the opinions of married and dating people around the world. Some people might ask themselves why a married person would want to flirt with another person other than their spouse. It's a question that fuels a fire in the mind.

The truth of the matter is that flirting seems to be a harmless interaction between friends or acquaintances.

With that being said, there should be a line that isn't ignored or crossed. When you're dating someone casually, there are no rules in the game. Being married is a whole different world...a world of commitment and promises. And with those promises come a responsibility to your partner to be faithful.

No one is expected to live in an impenetrable bubble within marriage but there is an invisible boundary when it comes to flirting. When the line is crossed, it will be obvious. Flirting can lead to cheating (so can an otherwise platonic friendship that does not normally include flirtation but I digress). It can be dangerous. It isn't a black and white issue. It is filled with grey. Flirting can even, at times, be perceived and considered as cheating.

Flirting ends...
When either person within the equation begins to touch and speak in a more palpable manner, and it isn't stopped.(This example alone would be considered outright cheating)
You would rather be out there flirting and looking for someone new. (cheating or intending to do so)

You flirt, but your spouse doesn't see it. You do it when they aren't around. This type of behavior means you have something to hide from your partner.

When you start talking in detail about sex tips and intimate desires. This can always lead to more of the same thing or more of a physical thing.

When you're online chatting becomes more like a virtual love-making session. There has been some controversy on this topic. Some have argued that this as a harmless way to express their sexual desires. Truth is, it’s healthy to express those desires to your spouse, not a stranger.

You take off your wedding ring because you don't want your cute coworker to know you're unavailable. Again, you would be making yourself seem free to be with anyone you want. This welcomes flirtation and possibly more.

Cheating, otherwise known as adultery, is defined formally as, voluntary sexual intercourse between a married person and a partner other than the lawful spouse. There is only one definition and it is clearly worded.

When you're married, there are no rules but the ones you decide to implement. A couple, together must define the limitations within their union. When you both have different definitions of these words, it tends to make problems.
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