Jan 23, 2009

How to deal with an angry ex boyfriend

Many of us would like to think that when a relationship goes sour, both parties can simply pick up the pieces and move on in an adult and civil manner with a simple adieu and good luck. In reality, it never works that way. Usually there is resentment and anger from one or both sides of the party that needs to be dealt with as soon as possible. If you are dealing with an angry ex, specifically an angry ex-boyfriend, here are some tips that should help you.

Offer Friendship

Unless the relationship was ended in an emotionally or physically violent manner, assure your ex that he or she is still important to you and that you want to remain friends, if possible. Of course, only offer friendship if you are willing to give it. Do not feel compelled to do so just for the sake of doing so. Understand if he is unwilling to have you as a friend and do not push it on him. He may still be reeling from the breakup and the idea of having you only as a friend may be too much for him to handle at the moment. Give him time to let it all sink in and extend your hand in friendship when he is ready to receive it and when you are ready to offer it. On the same note, be mindful when around mutual friends. Do not offer your hand in friendship while you are talking negatively about him to all of his friends.

Do Not Ignore Him

Ignoring a problem never makes it go away. In a situation like this, ignoring an angry ex-boyfriend may serve only to make him angrier and more resentful. If you have broken up with your boyfriend, do not suddenly act like you’ve never met him before and pass him by without saying a word. You have shared a history with him which you must recognize and respect.

Do Not Flaunt a New Relationship

There is nothing worse than seeing your ex-boyfriend or ex-girlfriend with their new boyfriend or girlfriend if you were the one that was dumped. If you are already dealing with an angry ex-boyfriend, nothing will get him angrier than your new boyfriend being flaunted all over town on your arm. Imagine how it would feel to see an ex that you still loved with another woman. Trust me, it is not the best feeling in the world. Be sensitive to how your ex may feel.

Stay Honest With Yourself

Although you want to be compassionate with your ex, you must remain true to yourself. Do not let yourself be guilt-tripped into getting back together with your ex. Remember the reason/s why the relationship ended. It is a woman’s intuition to want to try and nurture others to make things better, but if he is pressing you to get back together and you feel you have valid reasons why you should not be with him, do not give in just to make him feel better.

Take Threats Seriously

If your angry ex-boyfriend starts making threats against you, do not take them lightly. Even if you tell yourself, “Oh, he would never hurt me,” if he is threatening you, others or himself, alert the proper authorities immediately. There are too many stories in the news today of angry men and women hurting their unexpecting ex.
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