Jul 24, 2009

Ways To Make A Small Dining Room Look Larger

The dining room comprise of one of the most important spaces in your house, as it is the place where all the members sit together as a family and share their meals. However, many homes suffer from the problem of a small dining room, which makes eating experience less enjoyable than it should be. Do you know that it is possible to create space in a room, without actually rebuilding it? No? Then reading this article is a must for you. Go through the following lines and explore simple ways to make a small dining room look larger.

How To Make Your Dining Room Appear Bigger

Carefully Choose The Color
If you have a small space for the dining room, color is the first aspect that you need to look into. In fact, the color of walls as well as ceiling can go a long way in determining the visual size of your room. While a dark bold color will make a room much smaller than it really is, a lighter one will go a long way in opening up the space. Select the color that you want to paint the room in and then go for a light to medium shade in the same.

Mirror Tricks
One of the best accessories that you can use to make your small dining room look bigger comprises of mirrors. They create the illusion of space and expand the overall space of the room. Buy two or three large matching wall mirrors and place them in such a way that they fall across a natural source of light, at a distance of approximately six inches. As the light falls on the mirrors, it will get amplified, making the room appear larger.

Treat The Window
You can easily make your dining room look bigger by going for big windows therein. At the same time, instead of bulky dark window treatments, go for the light and airy varieties. In this context, sheer nylon panels or light-filtering roman shades will serve your needs perfectly. In case you can do away with the privacy aspect, opting for lightweight scarf valances is a good idea. In other words, sheer window treatments can help expand the space in your small dining room.

Using The Right Furniture
If the size of your dining room is not too big, it is advisable to exercise due care while selecting furniture for the same. The first thing that you need to do is get rid of large bulky furniture, even dining table, as it wastes useful space. For instance, you can opt for a dining table with a leaf for expansion. As and when you want, bring the leaf into the room and increase the seating space. This way, you will avoid blocking the space unnecessarily.

Lighting Is The Key
Lighting is one of the significant elements that you can play with, while trying to make your dining room appear bigger. You can always go for recessed spot lighting, which is visually appealing and helps open up a space as well. Another option is to go for torchiere light, which bounces light off of the ceiling and back down on the room. Then, you can take into account skylights and solar tubes, natural alternatives that also add space.

Some More Tips
--Keep your dining room completely clutter free. Many-a-times, it has been seen that a fairly large dining room looks extremely small only because too many unnecessary items are kept therein.

--While deciding the color scheme for your dining room, make sure to go for lighter color in context of the ceiling and flooring as well.

--Going for a glass table, instead of a wooden one, also helps creates the illusion of free and open space in the dining room.

Tips For Growing Herbs Indoors

Herbs, valued for their exotic flavor, pleasing fragrance and, many-a-times, medicinal properties, have been used by people since ages. Apart from cooking and medicine, they find a use in spiritual endeavors as well. In case you are a regular user of herbs, why not grow them yourself? If, by any chance, the absence of a garden is stopping you from the same, we have the perfect solution for you. You can start growing herbs indoors as well. How? The tips given below will help you know that.

How To Grow Indoor Herbs

Supplies Needed

-Fish Emulsions
-Herb Plants
-Planting Containers
-Potting Soil
-Screen Mesh
-Seaweed Extract
-Mushroom Compost Makers


-In order to grow herbs inside your house, you will first have to choose the perfect location for the same. Make sure that place has good ventilation, but does not receive direct drafts. At the same time, it should not suffer from great fluctuations in temperature

-The location that you choose for the herbs should receive at least 4 hours of direct sunlight in a day. You can also supplement the same with fluorescent lights, if necessary.

-Now that you have the best location in your mind, it is the time to choose the herbs that you want to grow therein. This will require you to determine how you want to use the herbs - for cooking, making potpourri or enjoying their foliage and fragrance. For the purpose, you can study books about herbs and browse through catalogs.

-The herb selection made; now is the time to go to a nursery that specializes in herbs and buy plants from the place. In case you get a bit confused, take the help of the nursery staff, which will mostly likely be knowledgeable as well as helpful.

-Get containers in which you will plant the herbs. They need to be 8 inches deep and 6 to 8 inches across. In case you want to plant a number of herbs in the same container, make sure that it is big enough to allow 6 to 8 inches of space between the plants.

-As the next step, start preparing the container for the plants. For the purpose, you will need to arrange pieces of screen mesh over the drainage holes of the container.

-Next, mix premium-quality, well-draining potting soil with coarse sand and mushroom compost.
-After combining the two, place a layer of the same over the wire mesh.
You will need to ensure proper drainage for the herbs as well. This purpose can be achieved by setting the containers on a tray that has been filled with gravel.

-By now, the container has been prepared completely. So, you have to set the plants inside them, making sure to place them at the same depth as they were growing in their nursery pots.

-Watering the herbs will be the next step. As for the regular watering, stick to a good soaking once or twice a week. You can stand each pot in about an inch of tepid water, till the soil gets moist, but is not saturated.

-When your herbs are growing at an active pace, you will need to feed them once in a week. For the purpose, make use of seaweed extract or fish emulsion.

-You have successfully grown the herbs indoors. Now is the time to harvest them. In order to do this, clip only the outer leaves or sprigs (as and when you need them), leaving plenty of vigorous growth on the plant.

How To Create A Kitschy Kitchen

People generally long for a big, beautiful and modular kitchen. However, there is also a segment of people who want to re-create the nostalgia-filled old style of their parents and grandparents, in their kitchen. As the retro style is back with a bang, with the kitchen being an integral part of it, creating a kitschy kitchen has caught on with the trend. There are a lot of people who are not clear with the concept of kitschy kitchen and want to know more about it. Let us explore a few tips to how to create a kitschy kitchen, which will let you enjoy all the modern conveniences, while going for a retro look.

Kitschy Kitchen Decorations

Repaint Your Kitchen
Start with repainting your kitchen, using bright colors to give the retro feel. You can use the bright sunshine yellow of the 1960s or the avocado green of the 1970s, thus creating the flavor of that particular era, inside your kitchen.

Get Hold Of Old Kitchen Appliances & Accessories
Check out the attics at your relatives' place. You might, fortunately, get some kitchen appliances and accessories, which may not be of a use to them. However, they will surely be a treasure for you and you will able to make good use of them, in your kitschy kitchen, giving it the perfect 'old feel'.

Use Crazy & Themed Accessories
Choose a theme on which you want your kitchen to be based. You can also combine various themes, in order to get a wilder look. Buy all themed accessories, like rooster cookie jars, cactus cookie jars, frog shape pitchers, rooster teapot and other similar items. Place them all across your kitchen and enjoy the crazy appearance.

Add A Bit Of Silliness
Give your dining table a wild look, just like your kitchen. Set the table with unique theme or figurine salt and pepper shakers and napkin holders. Put cartoon-ish oven mitts and pot holders to enhance the look of the stove area. While creating kitschy kitchen, you should remember that being stylish is not desirable. It’s all about feeling and enjoying the good ol' times.

Decorate The Walls
The kitchen walls should be decorated in a way that accentuates the old feel. You can use retro advertising signage, which can be found at antique shops. Visit some pop culture specialty shops and choose from the range of retro signage available there.

Stick To Your Taste
One of the important tips, to create a kitschy kitchen, which you should keep in mind, is that you will be the one spending time in it. So, enjoy and have fun while decorating it. Make it the way you want, as it appeals to your taste. A kitchen should reflect your personality. Enjoying the look of your kitchen and the time spent there should be the main motive, while decorating it.

Jul 22, 2009

How To Grow Strawberries in an Organic Garden

Fresh strawberries are at their best when an organic gardener grows strawberry plants in a garden free of chemical fertilizers and pesticides.

Fresh organic strawberries from the home garden are far superior to the bloated supermarket variety with little fragrance and a white core. Strawberry plants take little care once established, and can produce baskets of berries for years.

Choose Strawberry Varieties
Before an organic gardener shops for strawberry plants, he must consider disease resistance, growing region, and whether to purchase June-bearing or ever-bearing strawberry plants. Gardeners in hot, humid regions can grow ‘Titan,’ which resists leaf scorch. ‘Earliglow’ is an excellent choice for gardeners in the Midwest and Atlantic regions, as it is not only cold hardy, but resists gray mold, verticilium wilt, red stele disease, leaf spot, and leaf scorch. Gardeners seeking ever-bearing strawberries can plant ‘Hecker’ in the north or ‘Tristar’ in the south.

Prepare the Garden to Plant Strawberries
Strawberry plants thrive in well-drained soil with a pH between 5.0 and 6.0. If the soil pH is above 6.0, acidify it naturally with compost and leaf mold. If the soil is below 5.0, add limestone to raise the pH. Choose an area of the garden with full sun and good air circulation to reduce disease problems.

Plant strawberries in the spring as soon as the earth can be worked, setting plants 18 inches apart in rows spaced at least two feet apart. Wide rows allow strawberry plants room to develop new runners.

Organic Strawberry Plant Care
After planting strawberries, add a layer of organic mulch to retain moisture and to keep soil from splashing on ripening berries. Many organic gardeners prefer to mulch strawberry beds with straw, but dried grass clippings or pine needles are also suitable choices.

The fertilizing regimen for strawberries centers on whether the plants are June-bearing or ever-bearing. Ever-bearing strawberries need a constant supply of nutrients to produce flowers and grow berries, but June berries only form new buds for the following year in late summer. Therefore, feed ever-bearing strawberries throughout the growing season, but fertilize June-bearing strawberries in August. Gardeners can fertilize plants with a side dressing of dried blood meal, rock potash, and bone meal.

At the end of the season, the strawberry plants will send out new plantlets on runners. In this way, the strawberry patch is self-perpetuating. Remove nonproductive plants at the end of each growing season, and allow the runners to replenish the garden.

Organic Strawberry Pest Control
Slugs, aphids, spider mites, and birds like to feed on strawberry plants. Place beer traps around plants or sprinkle diatomaceous earth to kill slugs. Attract beneficial insects that have an appetite for aphids with nectar-rich flowers, like sweet alyssum. Spider mites are most problematic in hot, dusty regions, so regular irrigation discourages them. Use bird netting draped over jar-topped stakes to deny birds the first berry harvest.

Get Rid of Squirrels in the Garden

It’s one thing to battle with a squirrel who insists on hogging the garden birdfeeder. It’s another matter when squirrels, not the gardener, enjoy summer’s first tomato from the vegetable patch.

Squirrel Repellant
Organic squirrel repellants work because of the finely tuned sense of smell squirrels possess. Odors offensive or frightening to squirrels are undetectable to birds, and when gardeners apply the products according to package instructions, the odor should be minimal. Gardeners must reapply odor-based repellants after heavy rains.

Gardeners can buy powder or liquid organic squirrel repellants made with hot pepper to deter squirrels from feeding on vegetable gardens or from dominating bird feeders. Take care when applying these products, as they can cause severe eye irritation. Gardeners must wear gloves and eye protection, and wash hands after handling hot pepper squirrel repellants.

Another popular squirrel repellant contains liquid or powdered urine concentrate of predators, usually fox or coyote urine. When the squirrels smell the markings of their enemies on your property, their instincts warn them that this is the territory of the enemy.

Trap Squirrels
Several companies sell live traps designed to capture nuisance squirrels from the gardener’s property. Squirrel trapping has several pros and cons. Traps are inexpensive, humane, and gardeners can use traps repeatedly. However, gardeners may attract other animals to a trap intended for squirrels, including possums or skunks.

Over time, many gardeners will, at one time or another, face a squirrel opponent that is unusually wily and resistant to all other methods of deterrent. A trap is useful in this instance to remove that one ornery squirrel that vexes the gardener from one season to the next. Transport the squirrel several miles away, and break out the back up defenses for the rest of the rodent clan that will move in to fill the void.

Protect Bulbs from Squirrels
It’s a well-known fact that squirrels relish flowering bulbs, especially tulips and crocuses. Gardeners can treat bulbs with some of the aforementioned squirrel repellants before planting. Remove all traces of the papery husks that encase the bulbs after planting, as these can prompt the squirrel to dig for buried treasure. Gardeners can place strawberry baskets over bulbs for small bulb plantings. For larger expanses, gardeners can place chicken wire over the bulbs to deter digging squirrels.

Like all wildlife in the garden, squirrels are part of a healthy ecosystem and thus deserve a modicum of tolerance and respect. Squirrels provide food for hawks, eagles, owls, foxes, snakes, and coyotes. The acrobatics and clowning of squirrels are fun to watch, and squirrels help repopulate native forests when forgotten nuts buried in the fall germinate in the spring. Install a corn or peanut feeder far away from your tomato plants, and keep it replenished at all times. A corn feeder that spins unpredictably when the squirrel attempts to reach the cob satisfies the gardener’s mischievous streak and occupies the rodents for hours.

Emotional affairs

Sometimes you're more than just friends. But is it an affair if you're not having sex?

What's an emotional affair?
An emotional affair is a close friendship with someone you're attracted to. It differs from what we usually call an affair (lots of sex and sneaking about) because there isn't any sex involved, not even any kissing. You'll spend hours talking, teasing each other and flirting a bit, even more hours daydreaming about your 'friend' and less and less time engaging with your partner. An emotional affair takes place in the heart and in the head, but it's a strictly hands-off relationship.

Unfortunately, emotional cheating can have just as much of a negative impact on a relationship as sexual infidelity. In the eyes of an emotional cheater their new friend is the most fascinating person they've ever met, so their partner seems dull or flawed by comparison and the relationship suffers from a lack of attention. The emotional affair, with all the sharing and closeness involved, can make a partner feel more betrayed than a drunken one-night-stand would.

Spotting the signs
The line between a normal friendship and an emotional affair is a blurry one, especially if your friend is cute. Remember, finding someone attractive is normal, it's what you do about it that makes the difference. So here are some of the signs that point to you being more than mates:

Remember, finding someone attractive is normal, it's what you do about it that makes the difference.

Daydreams: How much headspace does your friend take up? If you're planning future conversations or living in an alternate-daydream universe where the two of you can be together, then you're on a slippery slope.
Real dreams: If they're invading your thoughts while you sleep then your subconscious could be trying to tell you something. Dreams are odd though, and one-off appearance from someone you've never looked at before is unlikely to mean anything.
Lust: Let's be blunt here, would you shag them? Yes? Thought about it a bit too often? You're heading for trouble.
Secrets: You might not have lied outright, but do you keep quiet about just how much time you spend with your friend? About how often you talk to them or what you talk about? Chances are you know in your heart your girlfriend or boyfriend wouldn't like the whole truth.
Lies: This is the next step on. You've started to ignore the truth to make your friendship look more acceptable to your partner. You're deep into affair territory now.
But we ARE just friends
If none of the above applies, then great. It's absolutely possible to have very close friends of the gender you find attractive. It's even possible to have close friends you find attractive - harmless flirting can brighten up a dull day quite nicely. Keep your partner in mind though. If you're acting in a way you wouldn't want them to see, it might be time to re-examine how you feel about your friend.

Freeing yourself from an emotional affair
If you think you might be caught up in an emotional affair, you probably need to take a very long look at your relationship with your current partner. Try and forget about your friend as you do this. There may be something lacking in your relationship, causing you to seek out what's missing with your friend. Once in a while two people will meet and just fall for one another, but it's rare, and the majority of people having affairs are seeking something they can't get at home. Think about this and then go for one of the following options:

Leaving your partner: You might realise that your relationship is over, for a variety of reasons, and that it wouldn't be fair to you or your partner to stay together. Don't expect to fall straight into the arms of your friend though, especially if they're in a relationship too. Before starting anything new you'll need time to recover from the loss of your former partner.
End the friendship: You need to work on things with your partner without any distractions, so you'll need to go cold turkey and stop associating with your friend. This will be difficult, as the person in question obviously makes you very happy. There could be further complications if you work together or share a house. But try to focus on your partner's good points. Remember why you got together in the first place. Start paying them more attention and you could find your relationship blossoms again.
Wait it out: Making new friends, even platonic ones, can be a very intense experience. It's possible that, given time, your feelings will calm down and you will be just friends. Make sure you spend lots of quality time with your partner. You should also talk to your friend about your partner in a positive way and try to avoid too much alone time with them, especially if you're drinking. This choice may sound like the easy option at first, but you'll need nerves of steel and cast iron willpower to pull it off.

Common landlord problems

Landlord puts rent up half way through your lease
If you're on a fixed term lease (such as 12 months), they legally can't do this. This will be covered in your contract, along with info on your notice period. Read your contract.

Landlord keeps your deposit
Don't withhold your final month's rent - this is breaking the terms of your contract, and you risk prosecution. Consult your housing officer instead. Always pay a deposit using a cheque, banker's draft or credit card so you have proof. Ask your landlord for a receipt and written confirmation of what is covered.

If you sign up to be an assured shorthold tenant from April 6, 2007, make sure your landlord knows about the tenancy deposit protection scheme. This has been put in place to avoid landlords keeping all your dosh for no good reason, and will help you get your deposit back without having to go to court.

Landlord turns up uninvited
Don't let him in because reasonable notice is required for inspection. Also under the law, landlords can't prevent your friends from visiting.

Landlord kicks us out
You can only be kicked out if:

the owner wants to come back and live in the property;
the house is being repossessed;
you're over two months in arrears with your rent;
you refuse vital maintenance work.
A landlord can also ask the court to consider eviction if:

you've broken the terms of your contract;
you're consistently late in paying the rent;
you lied to get the place.
However, for most private tenants, the landlord can give two months' notice and get a court order without needing to give a reason. Provided the landlord has followed certain housing rules (e.g. the two months' notice must not end before the end of the first six months of a tenancy), the court will grant an order. If you live with your landlord, in most cases, they can just give you notice and don't need a court order.

Hidden costs of buying

If you thought that all you needed was a mortgage, think again.

Mortgage downpayment
You need cash upfront to qualify for most mortgages. Generally, the more you can put down, the better your choice of lending rate.

If you don't have much money for your mortgage downpayment, you may still get a mortgage. The lender considers you more of a financial risk, so you'll have to pay a mortgage indemnity guarantee (MIG) on top of the rest of the mortgage. This can often be avoided if you have 10% or 15% of the house purchase price saved up.

Solicitor's fees
This is for conveyancing: checking title deeds, notifying Land Registry, doing a local search to find out more about the property, and drawing up contracts.

A chartered surveyor will charge you to report on the condition of the property. Sometimes your mortgage lender will pay for this, but not always.

Stamp duty
This is a government tax on the purchase price of the building. Until September 2009, stamp duty is suspended on properties costing less than £175,000. This is a temporary suspension, up from the previous threshold of £125,000, and has been welcomed by many as it will save eligible homebuyers up to £1,750. Homes costing from £175,001 to £250,000 have 1% of their value payable. If you're going for something that's worth £250,001 to £500,000 (we wish) you'll get stung for 3%, and anything over this is charged at 4%.

Land registry fee
Payable every time you complete a home purchase, or change your mortgage lender.

Buildings insurance
Needed to protect the structure of your home (not your personal possessions), and must be in place by the time you exchange contracts.

Contents insurance
Cover for your personal possessions, carpets, curtains, and so on.

This is mortgage payment protection insurance, also called payment protection insurance. Covers mortgage repayments should you fall ill or lose your job.

And the rest:
Renovations, repairs, decorating, furniture, carpets, curtains, appliances and more.

Jul 20, 2009

Tips for growing lilies

Lilies are the most regal of all flowers - true garden aristocrats. Stunning in cut arrangements, potted, naturalized, or in formal gardens, lilies are favorites of florists, landscape designers, and home gardeners alike. Lilies are as easy to grow as any other perennial if you select varieties that are suited to your growing region and follow a few simple rules.

Modern breeding techniques have produced an incredible variety of lilies, tall or short; in distinctive forms, upright or candelabra; and stunning colors ranging from pure white through creams and pastels, pinks, yellows, oranges, golds, and vivid reds. All are equally lovely, so making choices for your garden will be difficult.

Most lilies grow best in region 8 northward through the warmer areas of region 4. Lilies do poorly in the desert southwest. In the western sections of growing regions 9 and 10, lilies should be planted where they will receive afternoon shade. While they do not require special soil, lilies must not be planted in any location where water will stand on the bulbs. A porous, rapid-draining soil is best. If your soil contains too much clay, add sand, moistened peat moss, or compost to increase porosity. It has been said that lilies, like clematis, “prefer their heads in the sun and their feet in the shade.” The best location is one in sun or light shade among ground covers such as vinca or ferns.

Lilies grow from scaly bulbs. The bulbs are planted in autumn, either September, October, or November, depending on your growing region. Ideally, the bulbs are sold with roots attached. Since they are never completely dormant, they should be planted as soon as you bring them home. Lilies are very attractive planted in groups. Loosen the soil to a depth of at least 10 inches, then moisten the ground where the bulbs are to be planted to promote immediate root growth. Plant large bulbs (those 3 inches or more in diameter) at least 10 inches apart covered with 4 or 5 inches of soil. Cover smaller bulbs with about 3 inches of soil. Water the bulbs after planting to settle the soil. In colder growing regions, mulch the ground above the bulbs after freezing weather.

Lilies respond well to ample feeding. In spring and early summer, apply a complete fertilizer or a combination of organic nutrients that provide adequate amounts of nitrogen, potassium, and phosphorus. Water thoroughly. Shoots sometime emerge in early spring before the last frost. If a heavy frost or freeze is predicted, cover the lilies so the buds will not be ruined. Do not cultivate deeply around your lilies since there are feeder roots near the surface of the soil that can be easily damaged.

Depending on the variety, blooms begin in May and continue through September. For cut arrangements, the blooms will last longer if the buds are cut when they are fully colored. Be aware that cutting more than one-third of the length of the stem will weaken the bulb for next year. Remember, the more foliage this year, the more blossoms you will have next year. When blooming is over, cut off the developing seed pod but leave the stem and all the leaves.

Lilies can be propagated by using scales from the bulbs or with bulblets produced on the underground stem. Either method requires two to three years for a bulb to reach sufficient size to produce a bloom. Non-hybrid lilies can also be propagated from seed, but that method should be left to the experts.

Some of the best lilies for beginners are the coral lily, madonna lily, regal lily, tiger lily, showy lily, Olympic hybrids, Aurelian hybrids, and mid-century hybrids.

Lilies add rich colors and splendid form to almost any landscape. From the classic to the ornate, they will delight your senses and enhance your gardening experience.

Creat A Great Landscape -- flower bed border ideas

The majority of flower borders are generally planted along a fence or other boundary in a landscape. However, they can also edge the sides of walkways or driveways. The charming edges of a flower border set off by an area of plants, mulch, or other type of decorative edging not only is more pleasing to the eye, but it can also cut down on the amount of time spent with mundane yard maintenance such as mowing.

To budget both time and money, plant the bed in stages. Consider and plan ahead whether or not there is an adequate amount of lawn space, availability of structures, trees, or shrubs that can be used to incorporate a flower border. You will need to design borders in such a way that the size and shape will complement one another as well as the surrounding landscape. Make your border large enough to generate a pleasing visual impression, yet, small enough for easy maintenance. Keep the border in proportion with the length as well. The length of the border is normally determined by the overall size of the landscape. Making the border slightly wider will allow the opportunity to use tall, flamboyant flowers. Layering and variation of shape in a border will create a pleasant composition. Grouping taller plants with intense foliage can also screen unsightly areas and provide privacy. A border can have either a straight or curved edge. Curves tend to offer a more casual and informal effect. Straight beds can be made less daunting by arranging flowers in groups rather than in rows. You can also soften straight lines by permitting the bed to curve in the center or near one end. Whether or not to use a straight line or a gentle curve is up to you.

Asters, chrysanthemums, daylilies, irises, and ornamental grasses are good choices for use in flower borders. These can be highlighted with vines, shrubs, or attractive foliage plants. Choosing flowers with long-lasting blooms provide stronger emphasis throughout the changing seasons. For early blooms, peonies, geraniums, columbine, and miscellaneous spring-flowering bulbs can be utilized. Choose goldenrod, asters, mums, or phlox for late blooms. Annuals such as impatiens and dianthus are immediate choices to brighten up existing borders between seasons.

There are many different ways in which borders can be arranged. Double borders usually scamper along both sides of a path or down the sides of property. Most of the time, these borders have straight edges. Edging a double border with brick can make these straight edges more attractive. Formal borders that include roses look quite lovely when they are outlined with low, neatly pruned boxwood. Other formal beds can be placed against dark backgrounds or hedges and stand out nicely when edged with cobblestones. Perennial borders can be edged with a continuous planting of one type of edging plant such as sweet alyssum, hardy pinks, candytuft, or lavender. Depending on the width, borders along a walkway or path can be edged with plants in a straight row or in masses. An island bed is surrounded by lawn. Position an island bed with an irregular shape that will fit the contours of your lawn and border plantings. Place the tallest plants in the center with all other plant heights scaled down towards the outer edge. These can be edged with consistent placement of one plant, such as lamb’s ear, or groups of edging plants. You can also give the island bed an untamed appearance by allowing it to flow into the lawn to mimic a meadow. A mixed border consists of flowers which are placed in groups in and around shrubs and groundcover. Shrubs that are used with this type of border should complement the foliage and growth of the other plants. For further interest, an accent can be integrated. Herbaceous borders can be designed using hedges, walls, or fences as backdrops. These types of borders can provide height and substance to the landscape. Incorporate climbing vegetation such as clematis, climbing roses, or ivy into the background to supply additional beauty. For winter attraction, ornamental grasses can be used. They make natural companions for herbaceous plants like salvia and campanula. A raised bed can save space and can be enclosed with bricks, timbers, or anything that gives shape and holds soil in. Slope these beds to encourage water run off. You can also build up the soil into a mound without any retaining edges.

Flower borders placed around the outer edges of a landscape provide a cleaner and less muddled appearance than numerous, traditional small beds. They can be worked into nearly any property. With the use of low-growing plants that have interesting foliage texture and defined edges from stones or other types of edging your border should contrast well with and add character to the flowers and surrounding lawn.

Jul 19, 2009

Clean Your Bathroom Easily

1--Put on some music. Radio, ipod, stereo. Whatever, cleaning is always made easier when your singing along to your favorite song.

2--get some gloves and old rags, you don't mind messing up from chemicals. Always old clothes when cleaning.

3--Remove all knick knacks and items in your bathroom (ie, anything you don't cleaner on). Place them in you hallway.

4--Pick up the throw rugs and clothes on the floor. Shake or beat the rugs outside, to remove dust. Wash them if possible. As for the clothes put them in a giant pile so you know they need to washed later on.

5--Remove all dirty towels to be washed.

6--Now that the floor is cleared, Sweep or vacuum it.

7--Spray the counter tops with cleaner and let it do the work.

8--Spray the mirror and wipe it down.

9--Spray the toilet inside and out. Let the cleaner sit.

10--Go back to the counter top, scrub and wipe it down.

11--Spray the bathtub and shower down (you may need to do this twice if your shower or tub gets really dirty)

12--Scrub the inside of the toilet with a brush, then flush to rinse the bowl out. Wipe the outside of the toilet. Don't forget to wipe the place behind the seat and the outside of the toilet bowl and the base.

13--Scrub the tub or shower and rinse. (if you want to wash the shower curtain you can wash it by it's self in the washing machine in cold water on the delicate cycle. Remove it promptly and hang back up to drip dry. NEVER put it in the dryer.)

14--If you have a linoleum floor or tile, mop the floor. If the room is small, you can spray your cleaner directly onto the floor and wipe it up with a sponge or cleaning rag. Let it dry for 10-15 minutes.

15--Put the rugs and knick knacks back. Check your toilet paper, and lay out fresh towels

16--Enjoy the benefits of a clean bathroom!

Jul 18, 2009

Buy a Home After a Bankruptcy

Having a bankruptcy, foreclosure, or short sale on your credit report creates great challenges when it comes to buying a home, but with time and hard work, it still is possible. Here's how to overcome these challenges:

1. Mark your calendar accordingly:

A. If you filed Chapter 13 Bankruptcy, you may pursue owning a home 1 year after filing.

B. If you filed Chapter 7 Bankruptcy, you may pursue owning a home 2 years after your discharge date.

C. If you had a foreclosure or short sale, you may pursue home ownership 3 years from the date of the sheriff's sale/auction or short sale on your previous property. The only exception to the three year rule is if you had what are called "documented extenuating circumstances" such as death, disability, or job loss. Even then, lenders determine your fate on a case by case basis. In my experience, the most time I've seen cut off is a year.

D. If you have a bankruptcy and a foreclosure, lenders will require you to wait until your sheriff's sale/auction date is 3 years old.

2. Reestablish PERFECT credit.
A. Pay ALL your bills on time.
B. Understand there is no margin for error in the current credit environment.
C. Check, clean up, and raise your credit scores to 620+ preferably 740+.

1. Go to annualcreditreport.com and see what is on your credit report.

2. Dispute errors and any accounts included in bankruptcy.

3. Fax in your bankruptcy schedules and discharge to the credit bureaus.

4. If information about your foreclosure or short sale is inaccurate, fax in your foreclosure documentation.

3. Evaluate your economic situation:

A. Is your employment situation stable or unstable?

B. How much house can you afford to buy (including taxes and insurance) and still keep your total debt to income ratio below 40%?

C. How much money do you need to save for a 3.5-5%+ downpayment?

4. Prepare 6-12 Months Prior to Purchasing a Home.

A. Monitor interest rates.

B. Choose a mortgage lender who does FHA or VA loans because these programs give you a great low fixed interest rate even with a bankruptcy, foreclosure, or short sale 2-3 years old.

C. Get pre-approved 1-3 months prior to purchasing.

D. Provide your bankruptcy paperwork, foreclosure, and short sale documents.

E. If you filed a Chapter 13 Bankruptcy, provide your pay history to the trustee.

F. Write a letter of explanation and provide documentation why your bankruptcy, foreclosure, or short sale occurred.

G. Pick at least 2 areas to look for homes.

H. Determine what your housing needs are i.e. number of bedrooms and baths, yard and garage size, fixer upper, etc.

I. Decide if you're going to work with a realtor or pursue "for sale by owner."

5. Find the Right Home for You!

A. Negotiate a fair purchase price.

B. Set a closing date after consulting with the sellers and your lender.

C. Provide your lender current paystubs and bank statements.

D. Have a home inspection done and be there when it's done.

E. After closing, notify your creditors, family and friends about your new address.

F. Move in and enjoy your new home!

Building window box for decoration

Exterior windows can be easily decorated and jazzed with the addition of window boxes for plants, flowers and ferns. If your windows are dull and could use some decorating, add a window box.

With a window box, you have the benefit of mini-gardens growing right underneath your windows.

To start, measure the width of your window and purchase a wire window box the same width or as close as possible. Use an electric drill to mount the box under the window. Make sure you leave a little room between your home's exterior and the box itself, as trapped moisture can cause future damage to home exteriors.

Line the window box with a cocoa mat. Fill the box two-thirds fill with quality potting soil.

Now it's time to decorate. Keeping the plants within the pots, arrange them in different ways until you are happy with the balance and effect. Transfer the plants in the box, and leave about six inches breathing room between each plant. This would be a great time to add a slow-release fertilizer around the roots ans well. Remember not to pack the plants too tightly in the soil.

Use plants and flowers that compliment each other and consider using one unique long flowing plant as the focal point in each box. If you have three window boxes, consider using the same ivy plant in the center of each box. This adds style and balance to the entire array. Intermix your greens with color annuals, such as pansies and petunias. However, use one or two shades only to give it a planned look. Using too many colors tends to give a box a haphazard, thrown-together style.

Maintain your box by pruning dead heads off the annuals and cutting back ivies, directing them into new areas.

Sit back and enjoy your miniature gardens!

25 tools for indoor vegetable gardens

The following is a list of the top 25 tools every indoor vegetable garden should contain. Although some are optional, I would recommend having atleast one of each item listed in order to ensure a properly maintained garden. This list was compiled during my experience growing, and is designed to let you know what materials you need to ensure the success, as well as, help you keep proper check on all of the elements involved in the growth of your plants.


At number one on our list is hydrogen peroxide. It is an environmentally safe alternative to bleach for all your sterilizing and cleaning needs. Peroxide reduces diseases on cuttings and seedlings, while safely adding extra oxygen to the nutrient solution. Mix a 3% peroxide solution at a rate of 1 pint per gallon of water.


Aquarium thermomters are a cheap, efficient way to to monitor the temperature in your garden, be sure to pick up extras to place in different spots in your garden. You can use them to monitor the temperatures of your germinating seeds, water reservoir and to spot check around the growroom.


A TDS meter is a device that tests the total dissolved solids in your nutrient solution, helping to ensure the nutrient levels in your solution are appropriate for your plants. A lot of failures have been the result of under or over fertilization, so this device can come in extremely handy.


White paint comes in very handy in a growroom under any circumstances. When you cover the walls of your growroom in white paint it reflects a larger percentage of light, thereby, increasing the total amount of light available to your plants.


Anti-transparent sprays prevent cutting(clones) from wilting by coating the leaves in a non-toxic film. These sprays eliminate the need for misting with water and humidity domes, and reduces the risk of fungus.


Make sure to use only the proper gauge wires when connecting lights in your indoor growroom. Always make sure to check your breaker box to ensure that there are no overloaded circuits. If you have no basic understanding of electricity, find someone to install all your electric appliances, so as, to not risk injury to yourself.


Much of the countries water supply is unsuitable for growing plants. The most common problems are toxic levels of chlorine compounds, excessive minerals and an improper ph. Most inexpensive filters remove chlorine, but can't reduce the amount of mineral content. Removing minerals requires costlier distillers, reverse-osmosis units and deionizers, but don't use water softening filters, they add harmfull amounts of sodium to the water.


A notebook comes in handy for all sorts of things. Whethers its to find out when your last watering was, the height of your plants at different point, how much each plant produced or to compare how much one plant grows in one kind of fertilizer and how much a clone from the same plant grows in a different fertilizer, a notebook can be very beneficial.


Insecticidal soap kills a wide variety of garden pests. It works by coating the skin of the insect, so they never develop a tolerance like they do with chemical sprays. While most sprays should be avoided during a plants fruiting period, insecticidal soap breaks down within a week and is safe to use lightly in extreme circumstances.


For you, not the plants. Before handling plants, especially new clones, a wise precaution would be to thoroughly sterilize your hands. Be sure to clean the tips, they harbor the most germs on the hand.


Rome wasn't built in a day, and your garden will likely follow its example. Give your plants time to grow and react to changes you may make. Resist the temptation to add fertilizer when you just added some yesterday, and you feel they need more, gardening is a slow, productive, art that takes time and patience to create.


It is quite possible to grow decent plants under fluorescent lights, but your vegetables and other plants yields will vastly increase with high-intensity discharge lamps(metal halide or high-pressure sodium).


Ozone units and ionizers are very effective in the destruction of airborne pollen, mold and fungi spores and bacterias that can be harmful to your plants health. They can also help keep the air in the room clean from cobwebs and dust reducing predators that find these kinds of atmospheres welcoming.


These water pumps are perfect for hydroponic applications. They are cheaper and more efficient than pumps sold at other specialty stores. Since surface circulation in your reservoir is what adds the most oxygen into your water, simply aim the powerhead along the surface of the water for maximum circulation and oxygenization.


A calendar is good to keep track of things such as when to change the water in the reservoir, light bulb changes, ballast changes and other important maintenance that you might accidentally forget.


Garden clippers are a necessity, especially when dealing with taking cuttings. They can also be used to prune your plants, in case their foliage begins to overgrow any of your other plants. I, personally, would recommend a spring action pair of gardening scissors.


Although organic fertilizers such as cow manure and bat guano are preferred for vegetables, indoors these present a bug and disease hazard. Water soluble fertilizers, like Peters and Miracle Grow, are therefore recommended to limit risks to your garden health. Always follow the manufacturers usage instructions for best results.


A magnifying glass is useful in finding insect and might infestations. With a good 30x magnifier($10 at Radio Shack) you can also locate the larger insects eggs, allowing you to more effectively use your insecticide sprays to irradicate an infestation early, before insects or mites do any major damage.


A good bottle of isopropyl alcohol makes an excellent sterilizing agent. Use it to clean your TDS meter electrodes(weekly), to polish your HID bulbs, to clean your cloning table and other tools that are involved in you garden.


Duct tape is an all-purpose fix-it all. From taping together cords to taping my calendar on the wall to taping stakes to the sides of my plant containers, duct tape is perfect for anyreasonable size garden.


When your plants seem kind of droopy and you are sure that you have supplied all elements for your plants to grow, then you might have a pH problem. You should monitor your tap water, nutrient solution, and soil with a digital pH meter. To test your soil make a slurry of the soil and distilled water, and then test with the meter. Check your plant varieties pH needs, match them and watch your plants flourish.


Spares always seem to come in handy at one point or another. In the growroom it is always important to have a spare everything. Whether it's bulbs, alcohol, hydrogen peroxide, fertilizers or garden clippers you will eventually find it useful.


Scales are a very important part of your indoor gardening experience. They allow you to weigh your end product and chart your progress in your notebook. You will be able to chart each plants growth and harvest weight to decide on which are the best plants fit for your garden.


You should always have a broom, mini-vac, and/or garbage can, preferably all three. You never know when an accident might occur or if something will spill. A clean grow room also helps prevent a lot of germs and insects from entering your garden, making it an inhospitable environment for them to live in.


No matter how much information I give you, you will still need a grow guide for your particular plant. A plant guide can help you figure out what the proper pH of the soil

should be, what nutrient levels it needs for optimum growth and the amount of light needed for the fastest amount of growth possible.

As always, be careful in your activities. You should always take all precautions when dealing with an indoor garden, especially when electricity is involed. I hope the tools I suggested are useful to you, and help provide you with the best indoor garden harvest ever.

Indoor vegetable gardening

Growing plants indoors is especially fun and rewarding. When you are able to eat delicious vegetables from your plants it is even more exciting. Indoor gardening is a wonderful tool for those who have very little space and for those who are unable to bend. Indoor gardeners also love the fact that there is very little weed problem, no hot sun shining down on them, and it is so much easier to have good soil without covering a large area.

Indoor vegetables can be grown easily in any pot or container. Plastic is less expensive usually, but anything will work. Plastic gets hotter than ceramic containers. Ceramic containers seem to be the favorite among indoor gardeners. The most important part of the container is making sure that there is drainage in the bottom. If you are using plastic or metal containers, using an ice pick or another sharp object easily makes holes.

Different gardeners will tell you different ingredients to prepare the best soil. The soil should be lightweight and drain well. A mix that works well is and equal amount by volume of silica, sand, perlite and forest mulch. There is another favorite of equal parts of sharp coarse sand, native soil and compost or peat moss. If your vegetables are growing in hanging containers, you will need a light mix of equal parts of perlite, black peat moss and vermiculite. All nurseries also have premixed mixers, but you will pay a little more for these.

Getting the containers ready for planting is easy. After you have established the fact that there is adequate drainage, add the mixed soil. The soil should be lightly packed. If the soil is packed too tightly, there will be problems with root development, drainage and aeration. When you fill the container with soil, make sure there is between one and two inches of space at the top for watering.

It is best to stick with the same basic schedule for indoor gardening as you do with outdoor gardening for when to plant which vegetables. You can start vegetables from seed much easier indoors because you don’t have to wait for certain weather conditions. As the seeds sprout, make sure that you thin them. One squash or broccoli seed will make a very large plant. Starting your indoor gardens from nursery purchased plants is fun because you have instant beauty in your containers.

Cherry tomatoes are especially fun. They will continue to grow for a very long time as you continue to pick off the little tomatoes. They are very pretty. They can be grown with or without stakes to hold them up, depending on your preference.

Herbs are another favorite for indoor gardeners. They are perfect for container gardening. Many of them are very attractive and will spill over the containers. Most also have a very fragrant odor. Mint, rosemary, chives and cilantro grow best in the cooler months. They can be grown from cuttings, seed or transplants.

Plant stands are an excellent way to show off your indoor gardens. They come in many varieties so let your imagination run wild. Plant stands can be easily made with bricks and any boards. Window sills, ladders, ledges, shelves, tables, and just about anything, can be used to make a beautiful indoor garden.

Garage sales are a perfect way to purchase inexpensive plant containers. If you decide to paint your containers, make sure that you only paint the outside. Painting the inside could contaminate the soil and give you all kinds of growing problems. If you are using spray paint, make sure that you cover the top of your container while painting. Sponge painting is an excellent way to decorate your containers. Take any sponge one half to one inch thick, cut into any shape, dampen the sponge and dip lightly into any ceramic coat paint. Most people use too much paint in sponge painting . Sponge a couple of times onto another surface first before sponging your containers. Your indoor garden becomes a bright, lovely area with a little paint.

The only downside that is usually found in indoor gardening is the watering. Plants grown in containers need more care and more attention than plants grown outside. Outside you can use timers and irrigate with drip systems. Indoor gardeners need to water by hand and more frequently because plants dry out faster in containers. If you are patio gardening, this is especially important. Sometimes new, small plants have to be watered more than once a day.

Enjoy your indoor gardening. It’s fun, inexpensive and rewarding.

Jul 14, 2009

How to Save Energy in the Summer

Utility bills don't have to skyrocket just because the temperature does. These guidelines follow the recommendations of Pacific Gas and Electric Company.

*Use exterior shades, awnings or deciduous plants to shelter your house from sunlight.

*Keep your air conditioning condenser shaded.

*Keep your furnace pilot light off during the summer.

*Use pool covers to prevent heat loss by evaporation and to save energy.

*Reduce pool water temperature and limit the number of months you heat your pool.

Daily Energy-Saving Tips

*Close your windows whenever you're cooling your home.

*Consider installing a programmable thermostat for your air conditioner, which will bring the temperature down in small increments when set in program mode.

*Close off rooms that don't need cooling if you have individual room thermostat controls.

*Clean air conditioner filters regularly.

*Check regularly to see that your pool cleaning and heating equipment is clean and lubricated.

10 Steps to Creat an Organized Kitchen

You've got three half-full bottles of vinegar in your cupboard and your utensil drawer is a minefield of knife tips and mangled wire whisks. Time to get organized!

Step1--Go through your kitchen and discard anything you don't use, along with any food, spices or medicines that are beyond their expiration dates.

Step 2--Take everything out of your cupboards and drawers, and wash the insides with warm soapy water. Rinse, let dry and replace cupboard and drawer liners.

Step 3--Store pots, pans and cooking utensils near the stove, nesting the pots and pans together to conserve space.

Step 4--Store dishes and silverware near your eating area and/or dishwasher. Use racks and silverware holders to maximize use of space.

Step 5--Be sure that children are able to reach items they use. Put things they should not use - such as sharp tools, alcohol and cleaning chemicals - well out of reach.

Step 6--Alphabetize your spices and keep them near the stove on a spice rack or in a nearby cupboard on a revolving rack.

Step 7--Remove large and seldom-used items from countertops and store them in a cupboard. For appliances that you use often, consider adding an 'appliance barn,' which can store toasters, blenders, juicers and other appliances on the countertop without clutter.

Step 8--Store food items that you use on a daily basis in accessible spots, and store all like food items together - for example, tea and sugar.

Step 9--Put food that may become infested with insects into sturdy plastic containers and seal them.

Step 10--Use drawer dividers to organize utensils.

Jul 13, 2009

5 Ways to Improve the Value of Your Property Without Spending Much Money

There are many small improvements that can be made to a property to increase its value tremendously! Here are five great ideas.

1. Paint! This is a great way to make your house stand out from the others around it. A fresh new coat will give it a clean cut look that any potential buyer or tenant is looking for. And when choosing a paint color, don't just choose the cheapest. Use sound judgment in your choice of contemporary colors or appropriate colors for the age and style of the house. Make sure that you don't just paint everything the same color either. Use contrasting colors on the window frames, doors, and shutters.

2. Change the mail box! This is a simple fix but can pay big dividends. It is part of creating curb appeal. You want to draw the buyer or tenant toward the house not drive them away. Mail boxes are usually made of cheap material which can deteriorate quite quickly. Reinstalling a sturdy plastic box seems to be the best choice over metal boxes which can dent and rust. Sticking the house numbers on the new box is also a plus

3. Landscape! There are many simple things outside the house in terms of landscaping that can be done to draw potential tenants or buyers to your property. The first thing that can be done is to dig some beds in the front of the house and around the perimeter and throw down some mulch. Then, plant some good looking shrubs or small trees like barberries or spirals next to the front steps. Plant them in some type of symmetrical order to maintain the neatness of the property. Flowers can also be planted in those areas like bulbs along the side of the house or various types of flowers among the shrubbery in the front. Keep the grass cut and looking neat. Fill in bare spots with soil and seed and keep moist to make sure it will take root. A manicured lawn can work wonders!

4. Install a garbage disposal in the kitchen sink! Years ago, it may have been considered a luxury to have one but these days more and more people are wondering how they could do without one. Again, you are thinking about an addition that costs a small amount relative to the return it will generate with a potential buyer or tenant.

5. Install a dishwasher! Again, as with a garbage disposal, a dishwasher is now a modern convenience that few know how to get along without. If your property does not have one, you can install one fairly inexpensively. This in turn will attract potential tenants or buyer at a much higher rate, you will be able to depreciate this asset so it creates a tax benefit, and the general value of your property will rise.

Following these five tips will definitely help ad value to your property. You must think about the value added when performing these tasks. If you take this advise, you will not be disappointed at the value it will create and your potential buyer or tenant will be to choose your property over another.

The Short Sale Process Simplified

You hear a lot about short sales these days. If you are a buyer, chances are you have come across several short sale properties that are listed on the market in your area. In fact in some condo buildings or subdivisions, there are many properties that are short sales, especially if they were purchased during 2004 through 2006 when the market was at its height.

Definition of Short Sale

A short sales occurs when the seller owes more on their mortgage than their home is worth in today's market. The seller's lender must approve the sale to the new buyer before the transaction can take place. The seller's lender will write off the unpaid balance of the loan deducting the sale price from the mortgage balance. The seller then owes nothing and can walk away from the home.

Short Sale Process

First step in a short sale process contacting the lender to see if the property qualifies for a short sale. If the owner/borrower has other assets which would enable them to pay off their mortgage, then the lender will not approve the short sale and could get a deficiency judgment against the homeowner for the difference of the amount owed on the loan and the sale price of the home. Working with a short-sale savvy investor is key in getting your short sale approved with no deficiency judgment.

If the property does qualify, then the owner will generally contact an investment company to work with directly or list it with a Realtor and have the Realtor market the property for sale to potential buyers. Once an offer is negotiated between the seller and the buyer/investor, the offer will be presented to the seller's lender for approval. There may be more than one offer presented to the lender, and the lender can choose the highest and best offer.

Who Qualifies for a Short Sale?

A seller that can prove a financial hardship and substantiate why they cannot make their current mortgage payments as a result of a job loss, wage reduction, an illness or divorce generally will qualify for a short sale providing they do not have other assets that would enable them to pay off their mortgage. A decline in home values is another reason why the seller would not be able to sell the home other than in a short sale because they would not be able to get enough money from the proceeds of the sale to pay the mortgage balance off.

Information to Provide the Lender

The lender will require a hardship letter and proof of the financial hardship such as copies of the last two paycheck stubs of the homeowner, two months bank statements, last two year's tax returns and copies of W-2's or 1099's. They will also need a copy of the brokerage listing agreement and the purchase and sale agreement, and both will require the lender's approval before the sale can be completed. If the attorney or other third party is going to negotiate the short sale, then the seller will need to sign an authorization letter allowing the lender to negotiate with the third party on their behalf and submit that with the other documentation referenced above.

Time Frame

A short sale approval can take on average anywhere from 60 days to 90 days or longer. The lender may counter the buyer's offer and want more money so the buyer should be prepared that even though the seller accepted the buyer's offer it is contingent on the lender's approval. The buyer will need to be patient. Many short sales fall apart before the lenders have even assigned a negotiator to the property because the process take so long the buyers find other properties or just get tired of waiting.


The advantage of a short sale is that the owner can save their home from foreclosure and their credit. The seller simply walks away at the closing not owing any money on their mortgage. Of course, they have lost their equity in the property by that time. A foreclosure costs the lender on an average $50,000 so it is smarter for the lender to approve the short sale and save the time and money of going through a foreclosure proceeding. The buyer/investor generally gets to purchase a property at or below market value. It's a win win situation for all parties.


The biggest disadvantage of a short sale is the time involved. If the seller is too far behind in their mortgage payments, there is a possibility that the home will go to foreclosure anyway even if the lender says the property qualifies, if there is no offer from a buyer to purchase the property within the time frame needed to stop the foreclosure. There is no guarantee that the lender is going to approve the buyer's offer anyway, and the home may still go to foreclosure.

Many Realtors do not like to show short sale properties because there is such a long waiting period for the transaction to be approved and for the Realtor to get their commission. It may take longer for the seller to find a buyer for their property if buyers and Realtors are hesitant to look at short sale properties. Generally investors are good candidates for short sale properties because they have the time and patience to wait for the lender's decision. Even so about half of the short sales under contract don't close because either the buyer walks away or the bank and the buyer/investor cannot agree upon a purchase price acceptable to both parties.

However, a short sale is a much better alternative for the seller than simply waiting for the lender to foreclose on the property.

Quickly Sell Your House by Using This Checklist

Don't let people tell you that selling a house, especially quickly, is an easy thing. There is a process involved to sell your house. Wouldn't it be nice if all we had to do was 1) publish our house, 2) meet a potential buyer, 3) negotiate, 4) sell the house? But as most of us know, it doesn't work that way.

We have prepared a checklist to sell your house. Now, by following this checklist, there are no guarantees, but it should make it easier to sell your house, and more quickly too.

A) Do you want to have an agent to sell your house or would you rather do it yourself? Sure, there are fees and commissions involved if you use an agent, but you may decide it's worth it. An agent will carry out all the business of your home in correlation of your checklist. But, it you decide you want to do it yourself, it will cost you effort and time, but it will save you money.

B) Be an informed seller and you will have to communicate. This is all correlated with your promotion strategy. Don't forget to use the media, such as the newspaper, pamphlet, and one of the biggies in today's society--the web, the Internet.

C) Have you done preparations on the house itself? Don't forget this, or else your house will have a tough time selling and will not sell quickly. How's the house's exterior and interior. Does it need repairing or painting? How are the appliances in the home? You might have to decide if you are going to pay a professional to do pre-listing house inspection of not.

D) You might have to sell you unnecessary furniture or appliances.

E) Now comes the big one that one's don't want to face sometimes: Getting familiar with financing terms, like mortgage financing.What is fixed, adjustable, seller financing, assumable loans, pre-qualified, pre-approved, commitment, escrow, etc.

F) Another one that people sometimes hates: Negotiation. Are you up-to-speed on contract, offer, deal, etc. You should learn how to do offer approaching and the legal transaction process.

G) Learn to know what you can improve or can't improve in your house. You can improve interior, exterior, etc, but you cannot improve the location of the house, or the style of the house, etc.

H) Will you be providing a home warranty to your house?

I) Have you decided what you will do at the closing and settlement to the buyer?

J) Lastly, have you made moving plans?

Hopefully, this checklist will provide some help for you to sell your house, and quickly too, but as you can see, there are several things you need to consider when selling your house. Now, if you decide to pay a realty agent to organize all these things, just let them carry it out, and your involvement in this home selling process will decrease.

Jul 12, 2009

Remove Wallpaper Easily

Wallpapers can sometimes be a pain in your neck, especially when they have become completely worn out. The old, dingy wallpapers can, in fact, abate the beauty of an otherwise decent home. If your friends have been suggesting you to contest in ugly wallpapers competition, it is time for you to let go of your old wallpaper. We agree that doing so is not easy, not only because of sentimental reasons, but also because of its strict adherence to the wall. Removing wallpapers can be messy and difficult. However, this complicated process can be made easier with the help of right tools and techniques. Moreover, it needs time and patience and if not done properly, it can damage the wall itself. In cannot afford to hire a professional for removing the wallpaper or you want to do it as a DIY project, here are some tips to help you out. Read on to know how to remove wallpaper simply and effortlessly.

Removing Wallpapers

*The first thing, which you have to do, is take everything off the wall, from which you want to strip the paper. Move the furniture out of the room and put drop cloths on the rugs, carpets as well as the floor. You can even consider fastening the drop cloth with something, as it shifts faster.

*Before starting the wallpaper removal process, check whether your walls are made of concrete or drywall. A plastered wall is less delicate and so you can scrape hard, if the paper doesn’t come out. However, it is not a good idea to do so with drywalls, as they may get damaged by hard scraping.

*If the walls are plastered, you can use the dry stripping method. Take a plastic scraper, which is easily available in hardware shops, and start with a corner. If the paper comes off in thin long strips, your job is easy. Just scrape all the papers and find your walls wallpaper-free.

*If the wallpapers are very old or a multiple of wallpapers have been used, one after other, it would take you longer to strip them out. You will have to work patiently and slowly, to get rid of them.

*If your plastered walls have been mistreated and layered with multiple of wallpapers, using steamers is a good option. Steam the wall, starting from a small section and working from top to bottom. Allow the steam to sir for about five minutes and then remove it with the help of a scraper.

*You may need to repeat the process 4-5 times, to get the wallpaper completely off the wall. After you have stripped the walls, you can wash them with soapy water, to take off the glue.

*You can also use your own mixture for removing the wallpapers. Mix half a gallon of hot water with half a cup of fabric softener. Wet your wallpaper evenly with this mixture and leave for twenty minutes. Now, remove the wallpaper with a putty knife or scraper.

Growing Your Own Coffee Beans

Coffee, first discovered in the highlands of Ethiopia, is consumed throughout the world today. One of the most popular beverages across the globe, it is drunk hot as well as cold. Prepared from roasted coffee seeds, it has an appetizing aroma and a distinct taste. Though most of the people buy their coffee beans, or ground coffee, from the market, it is possible to grow them at home as well. In fact, growing your own coffee beans is an interesting process, which is quite easy as well. Apart from being the source of coffee, the plant is pretty to look at as well. If you want to know more on how to grow coffee beans at home, the instructions provided below are just what you would like to read.

Growing Your Own Coffee Beans

Supplies Needed

*Coffee Sacks
*Pot (terracotta)
*Well-mulched Grass
*Acidic Soil
*Sand/ Gravel Dust
*Manure/ Orchid Fertilizer
*Artificial Indoor Plant Lighting
*Large Containers


*First of you, you need to procure the coffee seeds. In this context, using full coffee cherries is advisable, if it's possible.
*Next step will comprise of pre-germinating the seeds. For the purpose, you will have to soak them in water, for 24 hours.
*Take two coffee sacks and dampen them slightly. Place the coffee seeds in the middle of the two sacks. Water the sacks twice daily, allowing them to drain as well.
*Within a period of 12 to 24 hours, you will find a very small white bump on the end of the coffee seeds, a sign that they have germinated.
*Take a 1½ -2½ inches deep pot, preferably terracotta, and fill it with vermiculite.
*Plant the coffee seeds in vermiculite, watering them to keep them moist. Use plastic wrap to make a cover for the plants.
*For the next 60 days, keep the seeds moist, but not wet. Adding a thin layer of well-mulched grass, over vermiculite, will help preserve moisture.
*By this time, you willbegin to see sprouts. Remove them from the vermiculite.
Transfer the sprouts to an acidic soil with a high nitrogen concentration. Add some sand or gravel dust, to make the soil porous.
*Fertilize the soil, by adding manure or an orchid fertilizer. This will help maintain acidity (low pH) and sustain mineral levels.
*For the next four months, keep the sprouts moist and use artificial indoor plant lighting to help them grow.
*After 4 months, by which time you must be able to see leaves on your plants, re-pot the plants.
*After shifting the coffee plants to large containers, make sure to keep watering and fertilizing them. It will take a few years for them to bear fruit.

Smart Methods To Do Desert Landscaping

Desert landscaping is one of the contemporary forms of landscaping, which has gained immense popularity in the recent times. Popularly known as 'going green landscaping', this method generally makes use of desert plants, thereby saving a lot of water, otherwise used for irrigation. It is a type of landscaping prevalent in desert areas or those places wherein planting and maintaining a beautiful, flowering garden seems to be a challenging task. Apart from the desert plants, you can also make use of the plants that are native to your place and require very less water to thrive. If you want to know how to do desert landscaping, this article will be handy. Go through the following lines and get some desert home landscaping ideas.

Desert Home Landscaping Ideas

*Browse through magazines and the Internet, to get some ideas about what style you want for your desert landscape. Consider the space available and the money you want to put into the project, while taking a decision.

*Generally, draught-tolerant plants are chosen for desert landscaping. Such plants are accustomed to dryness as well as receiving tremendous amount of sunlight. Cactus, lamb's ear plant, long-wood blue bluebeard (shrub), hens and chicks plant and aloe vera are some of the sun plants that can be chosen for this type of landscaping.

*Irrigation is an aspect that should be handled tactfully, when you are doing desert landscaping. Drip irrigation system, which requires minimal amount of water, is best suited for this landscape.

*Wind is a factor that can directly affect the growth of plants in your desert garden. Plants can be easily blown away by high wind speeds. Therefore, it is vital to create a barrier, say partition walls, in order to redirect the wind away from the plants, so that they grow uninterrupted.

*Group plants according to their needs of irrigation. Make use of slopes to provide a runoff area for rain, so that the plants that need the highest concentration of water are irrigated well. This will save a lot of water as well, because irrigation will be done according to the needs of the plants.

*Plant the flowers and trees before putting the rocks and gravel. You can, in fact, soften the sturdy appearance of the rocks by surrounding them with desert plants.

*Desert landscape is an economical way to grow plants. This is because apart from the less requirement of water, the fertilizers and nutrients used for desert landscape are also cheap.

Types Of Grass

While designing on the type of lawn you want to maintain, amongst the first things that should be considered is the type of grass that you would like to use. However, apart from the overall appearance of a grass, there are a number of other factors that you need to keep in mind, while deciding about the one to be planted in your lawn. These include the type of climate in your region, the nature of soil in your lawn, the amount of traffic the lawn is likely to receive, amount of rainfall and sunlight that it will get, and so on. In the following lines, we have detailed the most popular types of grass, to help you make the decision wisely.

Different Types Of Grasses

Warm Season Grasses

Bermuda Grass
Native to North Africa, Asia and Australia and southern Europe, Bermuda grass is drought as well as cold tolerant. The blades are gray-green in color, resistant to majority of the diseases and tend to spread quickly and easily.

St. Augustine Grass
Mostly seen in the tropical and subtropical regions, St. Augustine grass is deep rooted and has the ability to grow in a short duration of time. It is tough in nature, forms a thick lawn very easily and requires low to medium maintenance.

Buffalo Grass
Another one of the warm season grasses that are considered drought tolerant, Buffalo grass is native to North America. A perennial short grass, it is known for low maintenance, having fine roots and withstanding extremes of temperature.

Zoysia Grass
Native to southeastern and eastern Asia (north to China and Japan) and Australasia, Zoysia comprises of eight species of creeping grasses. All of them have the ability of withstanding drought and are highly resilient in nature.

Resistant to drought as well as insect attacks, Bahiagrass is native to America and falls in the category of perennial grasses. It can survive in a wide variety of soils, but you will need to undertake maintenance to some an extent.

Cool Season Grasses

Kentucky Blue Grass
Native to the temperate regions of both hemispheres, Kentucky Blue Grass is so known because of the purplish blue phase of its seed stems. Comprising of both annual and perennial species, the grass is resilient to damage, to quite an extent.

Fine Fescue
Fine Fescue grass is known for its ability to survive extremes of cold temperature. It is also shade tolerant to some an extent and can easily survive with low maintenance. However, it cannot tolerate too much wear and tear.

Perennial Ryegrass
Perennial Ryegrass, as the name suggests, lasts for one season only and is mostly used as temporary ground cover. It grows easily as well as quickly and is best suited to moist, cool environments (where extremes are not witnessed).

Tall Fescue
Perennial in nature, Tall Fescue grass has a bunch-type growth and is quite susceptible to weeds. It can easily grow in shady areas and is perfect for lawns that witness high traffic. The grass has high draught tolerance as well.

Red Fescue
Mostly found in the northern and temperate areas, Red Fescue grass is quite popular in shaded, mountain sites. It can easily sustain itself through droughts, has a fine growth and boasts of narrow blades in deep green color.

Jul 10, 2009

Home Landscape Design Ideas

Have ample space in front of your house and don't know what to do with it? Why don't you create a landscape of your own? Apart from adding visual appeal to your home, landscape designing also provides you the opportunity to indulge your creativity in something useful and productive. In case you are feeling nervous at the prospect, mainly because you don't have much of an idea about it, we are at your service. Go through the following lines and explore home landscape design ideas, listed just for you!

Designing Your Home Landscape

While designing your home landscape, try to go for local plants and trees only. This is because they will require much less care on your part, as compared to the foreign ones. If possible, use the plants and trees to create a fence around the landscape. You should make an effort to plant something new in every season, so that your landscape always seems to be a sight for the sore eyes. If you are planning to lay down a flower bed, take care that it is layered, with the tallest plants behind and the shortest ones right in the front.

While planning a landscape at your place, you should take into consideration the decorations as well, which prove to be the focal points of attention. In this context, you can consider bird feeders, bird baths, hanging baskets and clay pottery (including vases), all of which add to the beauty of a garden. You can also mull over getting a bridge at the entrance of the garden. Then, there is the option of putting up a swing, for decoration as well as relaxation purposes. Whatever you do, make sure that decorations don't interfere with plant growth.

Color Schemes
You should make use of variety of color schemes, to add visual appeal to your landscape. You can opt for either monochromatic or the complimentary color scheme for the purpose. In the former, the colors adjacent to each other on the color wheel are used together (for instance, green and yellow). Such a scheme basically involves hues of the same color. In the complimentary scheme, the colors that fall opposite to each other, in the color wheel, are used. An example for this would be red and green.

Hobby Greenhouses
With the passing time, hobby greenhouses are becoming a popular choice for a home landscape. Apart from adding an interesting character to your landscape, a greenhouse would also prove to be a source of learning for your kids. They would be able to explore different exotic plants through these portable structures, that too without the hassle of going outside. One can find a wide variety in hobby greenhouses, that too at affordable prices. So, go ahead and get one for your landscape as well.

Some Tips
--If you feel that you are too busy to spend time in designing your landscape, landscape design software will be the best bet. As you feed in the dimensions of the garden, the software will suggests different designs that would be perfect for your place.

--While designing your home landscape, make sure to use each and every inch of space available. As for the design, it should be kept simple and pleasing to the eye.

--It is a great idea to have a waterfall installed as a part of your home landscape. It not only enhances the appeal of the garden, but the sound of water falling into the pool is also soothing to the mind.

Making Your Own Spa Bathroom

Though making your own home seems like a dream job, it is not all fun and excitement. It requires a lot of hard work, as you need to pay attention to every minute detail and make sure that the instructions are well understood, interpreted and executed, so that your dream castle is built exactly the way you want to it to be. While making your home, you keep in mind every little detailing of your bedroom, hall and kitchen, but often tend to ignore the bathroom. However, it is the place where you can actually sit back, relax and shut out the rest of the world. So, you must make this place a comfort zone. One of the best ideas is to go for a spa bathroom, where all these needs can be met easily! Read on to know how to create a spa bathroom.

Making Your Own Spa Bathroom

Whirlpool Bathtub
The first and foremost thing that is vital for a spa bathroom is a whirlpool tub, or soaking tub. Keeping in mind that this type of bathtub is about five to ten times more costly than a traditional one, it may seem a little extravagant at the first go. However, you will realize its worth once you come from a stressful day at work and spend an hour at your whirlpool tub, relaxing and leaving back all your worries in there.

Selection Of Bathtub
Once you have decided that you want to go for a whirlpool tub, the second issue is selecting one. The selection of the tub will depend entirely upon your usage. However, the size of tub that would fit in your bathroom and whether you want it to be heated or not is entirely your jurisdiction. If you have space, it is generally nice to put the tub in a small, recessed alcove or simply on a raised platform, to separate it from the rest of the bathroom.

Walk-in Showers
Walk-in showers are amongst the popular elements of a spa bathroom. Made of ceramic tile, natural stone, glass blocks, marble or glass tiles, they have a rainfall showerhead, which is mounted into the ceiling. Some walk-in showers also include multiple body jets that are located in the space along each side wall of the shower. Select the one that suits your needs the best.

Double Vanity
Another feature that is vital in a spa bathroom is a double vanity. You need to have a private closet in the bathroom, so that you do not end up fighting with your spouse for sink space! Generally, a double vanity is sixty inches long, but if you are ready to spend some extra bucks, you can get it customized as per your needs as well. This will solve the problem of someone disturbing you in the spa, to use the bathroom for practical reasons.

Heated flooring and towel bars are more a necessity, rather than a luxury, in a spa bathroom. After all, who wants to get out of a warm cozy tub and get exposed to a cold place? So, you need to have in-floor heating with ceramic tiles in your bathroom. In case you want to have some aesthetic heating in your spa zone, go for gas, electric or wood fireplace. At times, it is very calming to sit and watch the fire, while you relax in the bathtub.

Lighting is very important factor that you need to keep in concern, while designing your spa bathroom. You will certainly need several kinds of lighting in the bathroom. Bright, natural light would be required in the vanity area, while in the whirlpool area; you'll need indirect and dimmer lights. Overhead light source in the shower will also be required. To give a natural look to your bathroom, include as many windows as possible.

Last, but not the least, the décor and ambience of your bathroom matters a lot. If you are going for a spa bathroom, go for a color that aids relaxation. Generally, people go for cream, pale blues and greens and light-colored woods, but you can choose any other color you feel soothing. Also, include cabinet space and shelving in your bathroom, to store all the things you need. Your plumbing fixtures, like taps, basin and showers, should be practical as well as beautiful. Please do not go for too intricate designs, as they seem very artificial.

How To Make A Small Place Look Bigger

Having a small home is a brunt that we have to carry around for more reasons than one. Owning a big house in a city is what we all dream for, but very few of us are able to achieve it. Then, there are many people who go for a studio or single bedroom apartment just because the idea of living alone in a big house doesn’t appeal to them. However, when friends come over or you throw a party, a small apartment may look very cluttered and put off many. Whether you don't have the budget to buy a big house or just prefer a cozy little studio apartment, you can surely give a deception of bigness to your small house itself. How? Read on to know how you can make a small place look bigger, by utilizing the right props, in the right way.

Making Your Small Place Look Larger

Multipurpose furniture, like sofa beds, folding tables, and beds with drawers, can be used for a variety of purposes, while saving space. Making use of such furniture will help you avoid the cluttered look. At the same time, scale the furniture, to fit the size of the room. Instead of filling it with many small furniture items, go for a few big-sized ones. Furniture shouldn’t block your pathways, as it makes the room feel cramped. Having furniture in the same color as the wall color makes the room looks bigger. You should set your furniture at an angle, instead of placing it in a straight line, as it gives the deception of space.

Make your room open up, by letting the natural light come inside. The flow of natural light, from windows or doors, can really make a space look bigger. If you are having a day party, let sunlight lit up the rooms. If your rooms are naturally dark and there is no way you can bring the natural light in, try adding some lighting features. If you want something on a permanent basis, you can surely try going for full-height glass panes, instead of small windows.

A mirror not only reflects the light (natural and artificial), to make a room look brighter and bigger as well, but also gives the illusion of depth. You can put mirrors on the walls or cabinets, which bounce the light back and make the space appear large. Another idea would be to replace the cabinet doors with mirrored ones. You can even have glass-top tables and mirrors on window sides.

Color Tricks
Playing with colors is one of the best ways to make your room appear larger. Pink, light green, beige, and sky blue are the colors you can choose to make your room look bigger. You can also color your ceilings in white color, as it will make them appear farther back and open up the space.

Focus On Window
The focus on window can give a wider horizon to the room and can make it look more expansive. Use windows to give the illusion of connectivity to everything that can be seen through them. Enhance the attraction of the windows by hanging paintings and keeping vases near them.

Maintain Coordination
Instead of going for zigzag designs, use subtle colors in your room and coordinate them with your decoration, to give a calming effect. Work to create long lines and use similar colors. Avoid colorful wallpapers; rather go for simple, sober ones. Flimsy fabrics work best for windows drapes and tablecloths, while plain upholstery and a few pieces of art and accessories can enhance the overall appeal.

Avoid Clutter
A room that is full of clutter looks much smaller that it is. So, keep your room tidy and neat, to make it look spacious and maintain a general hygiene. Everything should be arranged in an order. Keep the floor clean and instead of covering it with many small rugs, go for one single, big one. Make sure to let some part of the floor be seen too, as it gives the illusion of more floor space.

Jul 9, 2009

10 Things to Grow in Your Garden This Season

Are you hoping to establish a flourishing garden this year? If so, you are not alone. More people than ever are starting gardens. Some are hoping for organic produce. Others are looking for ways to cut down on the grocery budget. The following are ten of the most beneficial items to grow in your garden and why you may want to do so.

1. Tomatoes: Perhaps the best option for long term use is the tomato. Choose a variety like Italian Romas or Beefstake which are hearty. Use them in salads, make tomato sauce with them which you can store long term in jars. You can also make stewed tomatoes and salsa and have it available to you year round. Tomatoes are fairly easy to grow, too.

2. Herbs: Growing a few herbs in your garden (or in a small container near a kitchen window) is a fantastic way to freshen up meals. Choose herbs like rosemary, cilantro, parsley, and basil. They can be dried for long term use.

3. Cucumbers: These are some of the easiest vegetables to grow. They do take up a bit of room, but kids love this fresh taste.

4. Peppers: Bell peppers are relatively easy to grow in warmer climates. If you wish to grow hot peppers, you definitely need high temperatures. Still, they can be added to sauces and salsas both fresh and canned. You can dry hot peppers, too, to use throughout the winter months as a way to warm up.

5. Strawberries: Those who love these fresh berries will enjoy growing them. You can also grow them in pots in a sunny location. They continuously produce crops of berries. You may even wish to consider raspberries and blueberries if your climate allows for them.

6. Squash: Summer squash and butternut squash are two favorites. They provide for a hearty meal and they last a long time after harvesting them when stored in a cool, dry location. Add them to soups, stews or serve as their own dish.

7. Beans: Beans are very easy to grow. After sowing them, it only takes a few weeks before you'll have a strong growth and will be nearly picking them. They will continue to produce so long as you are gentle with the removal of the beans. Choose from many varieties.

8. Corn: For those with a large area for growing vegetables, consider corn. Most people love its taste and it can be a good producer. The only drawback is the long growth time and the amount of space it can take up.

9. Watermelon: Summer is never complete without watermelon. You can grow it in your garden without a lot of work. It does spread widely so be sure that you have enough room to allow for its long reaching arms!

10. Salad Greens: Greens of all types can do very well in a garden. You can grow salad greens, collard greens or any others that you prefer. You can also consider broccoli and cauliflower, green cabbage and red cabbage.

These top ten items are just the start. There are so many wonderful vegetables and fruits to enjoy fresh from the garden.

Most Common Mistakes When Starting a Garden

Organic gardening is a method of gardening that should be enjoyable. It is a way to garden in harmony with nature and enjoying the natural benefits it can provide. Nature has many benefits to provide when you don't work against it.

The biggest mistake and a very common one to most home gardeners is starting a garden that is to large. Starting one that is to big to handle can turn from a very enjoyable experience to a second job, causing most to get disgusted and loose all interest in an experience that not only is enjoyable but rewarding too.

There are many ways you can start out so that your organic garden will be a place you look forward to come home to and care for after a day at work. It can be as simple as planting a few plants in containers, window boxes, raised beds or just a small area in the yard about 4 foot by 8 foot.

When planting a large garden, keep in mind that it is going to be more work and for the inexperienced gardener it can get discouraging if things don't go right. Growing a home garden should be a pleasant and rewarding pastime, not a second job.

Plant crops that you and your family enjoy. Planting vegetables that nobody will eat isn't going to be as rewarding as planting ones that everyone will be excited about when they mature and ready to consume. Start out with crops that are easy to grow and expanding your garden to other crops slowly, as you feel you have the time to care for them. Crops like beans, cucumbers, leaf lettuce, summer squash, tomatoes and peppers are excellent choices for the first time gardener.

A environment friendly and healthy way of gardening. Organic Gardening is away of gardening in harmony with nature. Growing a healthy and productive crop in a way that is healthier for both you and the environment.

How to Grow Japanese Maples

This article will concentrate on growing hybrid Japanese maples. Growing the seedling variety has been covered in a previous article.

In order to grow a hybrid plant, you will require two things. Rootstock, on which the hybrid will actually grow, and a source for the stem of the plant.

When you look at any hybrid Japanese maple, you will see a graft at the base of the plant. This is evidence that the plant is, in fact, a hybrid and not just a lucky seedling.

The rootstock used is generally the hardy basic acer palmatum. These plants are very easy to grow, and should you be entertaining the idea of trying your own hybrids, you would be well advised to grow several dozen from seed to use as your rootstock.

There are several different ways to make the actual graft, and the method described here is the most common one, the side graft.

The rootstock, or understock of choice will be a two year old seedling. The scion, or short piece of shoot from the parent hybrid, may be one or two year old wood. One important thing is that the diameter of the understock and scion ideally should be as close to identical as possible. The reason is that as much of the cambium layer as possible needs to match up.

It is this cambium layer, or the very thin layer between the bark and actual wood of the plant, which will carry the nutrients and moisture. The more of the cambium layer that matches between the understock and the scion, the better and stronger the plant will grow.

To prepare the understock for grafting, cut the shoots back to about 6" in the winter when the plants are dormant. The actual grafting is usually done in January, when growth becomes stimulated. However, this may vary widely in your area, and in fact there is even a method for summertime grafting.

The scion should be collected immediately before grafting. You can use terminal shoots between 1" to 8" long. Aim for 3 pairs of buds on the scion.

Great care must be taken when doing the graft. Using a new razor blade on the understock, make a slicing cut downwards at a steep angle until you are roughly 1/3 of the way through the wood. This is done very low down on the stock. Remove the upper 2/3 of the "flap" on the outside of the cut.

With scion in hand, or on the bench, make a slicing cut at the bottom, matching the angle of the understock cut as closely as possible. Then remove a very small amount from the end of the scion, leaving a somewhat stubby point. Insert this point into the understock, and try to match up as much of the two cambium layers as possible.

Using grafting tape, or budding rubber, or even cotton thread, tie the union together very carefully. It is important to note that the cambium layer not be harmed, as this will result in a lost plant. The union should immediately be covered with beeswax or paraffin, or a grafting wax emulsion made for the purpose. The idea is to prevent exposure to the air and to promote rapid healing of the union.

As winter turns into spring, you should start to see your young tree sprouting new growth, a sure sign of your success!