Jan 18, 2009

Conflict With Friends?--How to Agrue Respectfully

There is a right way and a wrong way to argue. The word argue does not have to mean something ugly and disturbing. The key thing is that both people have an opinion and both people want to be heard.

  • It is important to learn how to argue respectfully. When two people have a difference of opinion, it is important to remember that everyone does not think like we do.
  • When you have a difference of opinion, earn the right to be heard. This is done by politely listening the the other person's opinion. Don't pretend to listen but listen to hear, so that you can gain some understanding.
  • After the person has stated their point, tell them that you understand how the could feel that way. It is important to empathize with others, which also helps them to lower their guard.
  • Now, calmly repeat what the other person has stated to you back to them. This will make sure there is no miss-communication between you.
  • Now, calmly state your opinion to the person. Hopefully they will be able to understand your point of view as well. It is more important to be heard that to be right. When you argue respectfully, you are sure to be better results.

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