Jan 3, 2009

Become the Guy Women Love to Chase Around For Attention

When it is about girls, you need to be active guys. If you've gone bonkers about someone and you don't know how to impress her, just don't loiter around her and look for chances, instead make every moment an opportune chance for yourself. If you sit idle doing nothing to woo that girl, she'll certainly be in someone else's arms tomorrow. Is that what you want? I am sure you don't. Then what are you waiting for?

Try these 3 ways to get any girl of your choice; these are killing ways I tell you and you just need to implement them properly...

Girls Look For Royalty Treatment; Treat Them-
Girls always crave to be treated royally by all you guys; they take great pride in being watched, treated, praised and attended. Do all of that. Flirt with your eyes, charm all of them and then finally make your pick and attend her more than the rest. Look into the eyes and she'll melt. If you find a rose somewhere; need not be a red one though, give it to her and just kiss her on her cheeks...she'll love it. Be a thorough gentleman and just don't overact.

Look Neat and Dress Up Well-
You need to look good if you actually want to impress a girl. Trim you hair and nails, wear a smart looking outfit, dress smart, clean shoes are a must and finally you got to smell sexy. A vagabond look is not something that girls would fall for...it can be highly repulsive.

Humor Is the Key to Every Girls Heart-
Girls are usually impressed with those guys who have a good sense of humor, so if you have one good for you, if not, develop it. But of course, humor doesn't men that you'll have to act like Charlie Chaplin; humor lies in your sensibilities and in your way of talking. Maintain the subtlety and aim to just bring a smile on the beautiful face of your girl.
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