Jan 10, 2009

Advantages of double-dating

Many people of all ages enjoy double dating. Married couples sometimes take vacations together, while singles often bunch in couples to visit amusement parks or go out to dinner. Whatever your age, marital status, or gender, double dating can offer certain benefits and advantages:

1. Have fun! Going out with another couple generally is more fun than being a duo. With a mixture of personalities and backgrounds, you are sure to experience several viewpoints and perspectives. That is what makes double dating so much fun. Not only are you getting to know the person you’re dating, you also become more familiar with the other three people that you go out with. Shared laughter in conversation and shared emotions during a film help the group members to get to know each other better.

2. Rest secure in dating accountability. No matter who your date is, going out with another couple helps to provide more accountability for individual behavior. Any person in the group may be less likely to misbehave via improper language or overdrinking, for example, when others are around to keep an eye on things, directly or indirectly. If someone does drink too much and is unfit to drive, the other couple may take charge, send the person home in a cab, and look after the person’s date.

3. Face less pressure to talk or entertain. In a one-to-one situation, each person feels as though he or she must talk incessantly and keep the other person amused for the date to be successful. But in a group of four, individual pressure diminishes, since several people may be contributing to the conversation and in fact, competing to have the final say. You don’t have to worry about long pauses or saying the right or wrong thing, since three other people may be taking turns in the same conversation.

4. You need not fear unwelcome advances. With another couple around, there is less if any chance of your date putting the moves on you. Of course, if the other couple starts getting passionate, your date may become aroused as well. But hopefully the four of you will agree ahead of time as to the turn of events and behavioral standards. Sometimes the latter is unspoken, especially if both couples know each other well, but everyone should know what to expect and what is acceptable.

5. Group discounts may be available. Going out with one or more other couples can lead to an entertainment discount. Dining coupons often provide a two-for-one experience. While one couple can take advantage of such offers on their own, doing so with other couples makes the experience more enjoyable. Amusement parks or theaters may offer discounts for admission fees for groups of several persons. It pays to call ahead and ask.

Going out on a double date makes the event more like a group outing with friends than a romantic interlude with a potential partner. Decide in advance which situation you want to cultivate before arranging your night out—with or without a double date.
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