Jan 17, 2009

Teach You to Read Female Body Language

Women are mysterious and complicated beings. Therefore, if you are like any guy on the face of planet earth, chances are pretty good that have some trouble understanding what a woman is trying to tell you. Fortunately, there are a few telltale signs that nearly all females display, and this tutorial will get you on your way to reading female body language in a social setting.

Look at her stance. If she is standing with her arms crossed, that is a sure sign that she doesn’t want to be approached. In any instance where she is physically closed off, or turned away from you, it is not a good time to try and initiate conversation. Contrarily, if she is in a neutral stance with her arms relaxed and at her side, it is an invitation to initiate a conversation. If she happens to be sitting, any major body part such as a leg or knee that is pointed in your direction is another surefire sign that she wants to interact with you.

Look at her face. There are so many nuances that can read simply by looking at a persons expressions. Any lingering eye contact, or even when you look to her and catch her staring are great signs. Similarly, a lick of the lips or a flutter of the eyelashes are subconscious tics that many women use to show that they are interested in you. Zero eye contact, or a lingering look to the left while in the midst of conversation is a sign that things aren’t going so well, and you might want to back off or try another tactic to get her attention.

Look for certain mannerisms or tics that she keeps repeating.
A nearly universal tic for women to show interest in a man is to constantly fix and play with her hair. This demonstrates that she is making herself pretty for him. Be observant, any repetition is generally a good thing, as it shows that you are doing something that would merit a positive response more than once. Don't get discouraged though, as reading body language is a skill that takes time and effort. However, if you stick with it, you should see positive results begin to crop up in all of your future interactions.
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