Apr 4, 2009

Top 3 Marriage Killers and What You Can Do to Fix Them

Are you struggling in your marriage? Do you wonder what happened to the relationship that you were so excited about on the honeymoon and why you and your spouse so feel so isolated from each other? You are at a place that most couples have found themselves in and were able to come out on the other side.
If you see someone who says they have been "happily married" for 30 years. What they generally mean is that they have stuck it out through some of the hard years and didn't wound each other to the point that they couldn't repair the relationship, and that now they are able to enjoy the fruits of their hard work. You can move through this season as well if make sure to not further damage the relationship and commit to get and act on information that others have found helpful in putting their marriage back together.
Here are 3 things you need to avoid during this season so that you can begin working on the relationship:
1. Don't lash out in anger. You are probably frustrated right now but if you yell and scream you may feel better but your spouse will be wounded and will remember what you said long after you have forgotten.
2. Don't assume the worst. Often times when you are in a rough place in your marriage you will tend to negatively interpret things. Simple questions like "When will you be home? Where are you going? What would you like to do this weekend?" can seem like a full on attack if you are at odds with each other. Train yourself to not see these questions or statements as attacks, because often they are not.
3. Don't avoid conflict. We think that our marriage will be better if we don't deal with the hard issues that we know need to be addressed. The reality is that if you avoid them they generally grow and do not go away. So make sure you address them, just be smart about how and when you do so.
If you will avoid these 3 traps this will give you enough good will to start working on your marriage together. Even if you spouse isn't interested in working on your marriage you can still get the information you need and begin working on your relationship, because every marriage has a chance and every marriage is worth fighting for. It just takes someone going first.
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