Apr 8, 2009

How to Support Gay Marriage Rights

Today's gay community is concerned with many gay rights issues. Paramount among these is the endeavor to make gay marriage legal in all of the United States. Becoming vocal in your support of gay marriage requires effort, initiative and planning.
Step1--Research the subject of gay marriage so you fully understand the rights issue involved and are able to defend it appropriately when communicating with others. It is essential to be well versed on the initiative to legalize same sex marriage in order to effectively promote it.
Step2--Write your congressman and other politicians to let them know you support same sex marriages. Well-worded letters directed to those with legislative power can go a long way toward making same sex marriages legal in every state.
Step3--Vote for politicians who support same sex marriage. Do your research and find out where each candidate stands in regard to this and other gay rights issues.
Step4--Sign the petition "Millions for Marriage." This plea is a declaration of the belief that every American should have the right to legally marry the person of their choosing without regard to gender (see Resources below).
Step5--Donate to organizations that work toward legalizing same sex marriage. These groups need financial backing to allow them to keep fighting for equality in marriage.
Step6--Educate others via public forums. Ask to be allowed to speak about gay marriage at local public meetings, such as those conducted by city councils.
Step7--Blog thoughtfully about gay marriage. Through the Internet, one person can potentially reach thousands of others. Showing your support in a very personal way can change the hearts and minds of others who may not initially support the cause.
Step8--Pen a letter to the editor of the local newspaper. Hopefully your missive will be published for the community's consideration.
Step9--Attend a rally or march supporting same sex marriage. If you are or want to become a leader, organize one yourself in your own community. Be sure to obtain a permit and research the local ordinances regarding the right of assembly.
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