Apr 9, 2009

I Want to Take a First Date to Lunch During the Work Day. Why Is This a Terrible Idea?

I Want to Take a First Date to Lunch During the Work Day. Why Is This a Terrible Idea?
I met a girl online and we are meeting for the first time for lunch this week. We talked on the phone for hours already and she texts me often. We seem to connect very well.
Are there any tips you have for me to make meeting her a bit more special? We are both busy people, so the lunch idea came up, because we both work near one another in town. Since this is the first contact in person I will have with her, I didn’t want to make it too high of pressure or a formal date.

Dear Matt,
My philosophy for first dates was first outlined in “I Can’t Believe I’m Buying This Book - A Commonsense Guide to Successful Internet Dating”. The chapter was called, “How Caffeine Kills Chemistry, and Other Controversial Theories on Dating”, and, in essence, it said this:
If you can’t kiss at Starbucks, what’s the point of going to Starbucks for a first date?
There was more… but that was the gist of it.
While I won’t retract my theory entirely, I do have some modifications I’d like to make.
I am still firm that slowing down is an essential component to making your first dates pop.
The problem with online dating is its illusion of instant gratification. Guy gets rejected by 100 women and becomes convinced that if he only goes FASTER that he’d get a chance at a first date. Woman emails a guy for a month, only to find out he’s 5 years older and 30 lbs heavier than he stated; she becomes convinced that if she only goes FASTER, she wouldn’t have wasted so much time.
If you can’t kiss at Starbucks, what’s the point of going to Starbucks for a first date?The reaction to our respective failures is to cut to the chase TOO fast. As a result, you email total strangers and say, “You look cute. Let’s meet at Starbucks on Tuesday”. But you’re missing an important part of the dating process - namely, the getting-to-know-you part. By circumventing the normal process of courtship - you’re skipping an integral building block for a first date.
Believe me - I get why you do it. You’ve been burned. You’re busy. You don’t want to waste time. Got it. Then you have no one but yourself to blame when you go on a series of blind dates with unscreened losers. That’s what you get when you meet strangers after only a brief email exchange.
Matt, to his credit, didn’t do this. In fact, he spent hours and hours on the phone, building trust, rapport, and comfort. What does this mean for Matt? It means that if his date’s considering 5 guys from Match.com right now, and 4 of them are emailing her: “You’re hot! Let’s meet up!”, Matt’s going to stand out, just by being a little patient. Restraint is a very powerful tool in a man’s arsenal.
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