Apr 24, 2009

The Art of Approaching Women

Every man on the planet should know how to approach women or girls. If you don't, you are missing out on the first step for finding the girl of your dreams and maybe your mate for life. The way you approach a girl can make or break the your chances of having a date or simply just buying her a drink. Hopefully I'll give you an idea or two on how to approach that certain someone special. I've had 20+ years on the dating scene, not to mention a great marriage to a beautiful woman. Yes we are still married after 19 years.

I'm no Romeo or Brad Pitt or what ever, but I know how to play the game. And it is a game. I've seen guys fail and succeed. It all comes down to the way the game is played. And if you get married and have kids you still have to play the game. It's kinda like working out with weights, when you stop....the results stop! Same thing. I am convinced that is why 80 percent of marriages fail, the game stops. My game stopped after 6 years of marriage and divorced was filed at the big number 7. I did get back in before it was final and never looked back. I got back into the game.

Enough of that, let's see how to approach a woman and/or girl -
Ok, Girls are used to getting approached, fact. Picture every other guy in the bar "If that's the case" as white horses" You have to become the one and only black horse in the crowd. You must stand out. I've had 10 times more luck in "Bars" if I did not drink alcohol. I would drink water and chew gum. Sounds kinda dumb, but it put me in the right mind set. Give it a try.
Here's a few short tips on approaching women. Remember guys, they're not monsters...they won't hurt you. "Well some will!"

First - Be confident when you approach them. But not too cocky! They can sense fear.

Second - Try to make good eye contact, but don't stare them down. (And their Blouse is not their eyes!))

Third - Smile. Girls can't resist a great smile and it gives off positive energy. If you don't have a great smile, smile with your mouth shut, but smile- A lot
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1 comments: on "The Art of Approaching Women"

Jack Reed said...

wow. . that's a great plan though.. he he he.. thanks for that wonderful tips. easy and effective however if you want more of it or let say if you guys want to know how to approach women properly in their own words well, check this out: http://www.howtoapproachher.com, a real interview to girls on how they want to be approached.