Apr 28, 2009

He Cheated on Me - Should I Cheat Back?

Has he cheated on you and you are seriously considering cheating back on him? Do you think it's only fair to get even but are not sure if you can live with yourself afterwards? Are you confused as to what to do with your relationship after this problem? If these issues sound like the ones you are facing, then you are not alone. Cheating is one of the most devastating problems that can ever occur to a relationship. Unfortunately, fidelity or faithfulness is one of the things that most men have trouble giving to their partners. If he cheated on you and you are seriously pondering fighting fire with fire, this article may shed some light on the problem.
Find out why he did it
Although there is no valid excuse for cheating, you may want to find out what made him become unfaithful in the first place. As surprising as it may sound, his weakness might not be all there is to blame. For instance, perhaps you have been spending more time with your friends or at work than you do with him. Or perhaps you have lost interest in sex and intimacy and just see them as routines that you need to get through. Or maybe you have made him feel rejected and unwanted without being aware. These actions by you can easily drive him to the arms of another woman. If you share in the cause of the problem, you may want to decide if you want to work it out or just end the relationship.
Revenge won't solve the problem
When you find out that he cheated on you, it's way easy to want to get back and cheat on him as well. However, you may want to reconsider your decision. Like they say, two wrongs will not make a right. Say, after you evened out the score, where will that leave the two of you? Not only did you do more damage to relationship, but you also stooped to that low level.
The right way out
If your guy cheated on you and you feel like you will be unable to forgive him, then it's better to let the relationship end rather than take revenge. When you end the relationship, you are wiping the slate clean. However, if you try to cheat like he did, you are making a scar or a mark that can never be erased.
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