Feb 26, 2009

My Wife Left Me! Become the Better Man

Your wife has left you! I can only but imagine from my own real life experience that you are feeling rather depressed right now, and the fact that you feel she doesn't love you any more has left quite a hole in your heart! There are many reasons why a wife leaves a husband, she may have left for another man, or a woman. Or perhaps she left because she felt that you did not pay her enough attention, and she feels like she would be better of alone. A more common reason is that the two of you have lost touch with each other, and have lost the art to communicate, and have grown apart...

My wife left me and we were separated for two years, and the best part of that time she hated me, and I was stuck in love and wanted to get her back! That was a very bad time for me, the more I wanted her back and pushed for her attention, the more she would make me feel like a looser. And then one day I woke up and realized what I was doing to myself and gave up! What I did then was exactly what you are doing now, looking for good reliable help...

What I found is that there are heaps of sites offering help to get my wife back, and many looked rather good! I posted at forums and got the odd good reply, I signed up for free email advice, and I research the hell out of those self help sites...

A lot of time was wasted, and I would have saved much of that time if I had went with my gut feeling! When my wife left me for reasons that I could have prevented, I turned into a misery guts, and was not the man that any woman would have wanted. The biggest problem was I couldn't see that, the gut feeling, and the main requirement that all the get your wife back help sites are about becoming the better man. There is no benefit in sitting around sulking and saying "my wife left me" that will just keep you down...

It is hard to get your self up and be positive at this time, I do realize that, but the sooner you do the better your chances! Your wife left for reasons of negative attributes in your relationship, the best thing right now is to accept them for what they are and use this time to eradicate them, and become the man she wants...

Life has many challenges, those that are based around love seem to be the hardest, but if you can do what you personally need to, to get your wife back, it can be very rewarding.
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