Dec 31, 2008

Transform the Top 10 Reasons You Hate Dating

Singles hate dating for many reasons but when you look closely, most dating complaints fall into the realm of Fear (and expectation). Enlightened masters have said that everything in is either Fear or Love. When we date we are trying to attract and create Love, so why is it that we all orbit around modes of Fear? I think it's to protect ourselves from getting hurt.

Below we'll review the 10 reasons you hate dating so you can transform them into ways to love yourself and others instead.

1. Rejection: You're afraid that dates won't like you. Remember that 'no' is just a word like yes. After one meeting another person does not really know you and there can be many reasons why it didn't work out. So let it go and do not reject your self in the process. Agree to love yourself and focus on something you liked about meeting that person. Then move on.

2. Job Interview: You feel like you have to promote yourself and discuss surface things. But there are NO rules in dating. You don't have to discuss your job or strive to impress. Some of the best first dates are spent trading jokes or discussing your favorite Seinfeld episodes. You will get to know each other over time, so just be your self and have fun.

3. Competition: You constantly wonder if he or she likes someone else better. It is normal to date multiple people in the beginning, until you know each other well enough to become exclusive. This is a normal part of the dating process. So this means you have to remember your own worth and know that the right partner will love you just as you are. While other people will be great, they will not be you. The same is true for the partner you'll choose.

4. Anticipation: Often women hate dating because it feels tortuous to wonder when and if he'll call. It is hard for them to enjoy the date and just go on with their lives and remain present. This is an important skill to practice. If you can love you life and yourself either way, it is a winning proposition. It is more attractive to a partner and you will be happy and even keeled either way. One way to practice this is to tell yourself that the right person will call and your job is just to remain present and happy in your own life.

5. Game-Playing: You feel at least one person is playing hard to get or sending mixed signals. There are so many dating books like 'The Rules' that suggest manipulative techniques to attract a partner. So it's possible that a date will adopt this strategy. Decide that you will be yourself on dates and will deal authentically with others. If you want to build a relationship based on honesty then act accordingly and the right mate will appreciate it.

6. Exhaustion: Dating feels like one more job! You have to get dressed up and go out after a long work day and make time to go online etc. Sometimes you do not feel like doing it. This is understandable but anything important that you want to create in life takes time and energy. If you come to dating with an attitude of fun then you can enjoy going out and meeting people.

7. Judgment: Often in dating we sit there judging ourselves and our date. We think about what is wrong with them and what they might not like about us. Shift your focus from fear to love here. Think about the great things you have to share and look for what you DO like about the other person on your date.

8. Compromise: Sometimes singles are afraid to meet someone they like because of a fear that they will have to compromise their life choices. It's true that relationships often do require some compromise because as your relationship becomes more serious, your life will include two people. Remember that the right partner will try to respect your most important needs and choices. Also, the ability to compromise means that you are loving and respectful of your partner's needs, which is a good thing.

9. Family Pressure: I often hear that singles are afraid to date because their friends and family want to know what is going on and they become disappointed when the relationship does not work out. Remember that it is your life and you only need to please yourself and be on your own timeline. Everyone is different and we cannot always control when we will meet our best partner. So let yourself off this hook and decide that you will not feed and bear your families expectations and hopes about your relationships.

10. Commitment: Sometimes singles are afraid to date because they start imagining sharing space with someone, getting married and having babies. While it's true that this is the desired trajectory for some dating singles, everyone dates for different reasons. You can choose to wade into the dating pool for fun, companionship and romance. Realize that there are different levels of commitment in dating and as long as you are honest and clear about yours, you can create whatever you want and have a terrific time meeting people!

So, do not allow your fear to guide you when dating. Begin to transform your fears into love and before you know it, you'll attract a great loving relationship!
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