Dec 24, 2008

Teach Your Child About Love

The dating game is an interesting game that every teenager plays. It is amazing how most parents take a "hands-off' approach in their children's dating life when their children are making one of the most important decisions of their life. It is like parents throw their children out there and hope they figure out love by themselves. Chances are that they won't get it right the first time.

Parents need to teach their children about love. In our society, we have done our children a great disservice. We want them to figure out love by themselves. It is just not going to happen. While your children are young, you should teach your children about love.

What is the criteria for love? The will of God.

So many people that call themselves Christians never put their children under the preached Word of God. They don't teach their children how to find the will of God. They just let their children copy the children of the world. If you let your children think like the world, live like the world, and act like the world, don't be surprised when they have the problems of the world.

Dating is not for young children. Allowing young teenagers to have sweethearts is just not good. They don't need romantic relationships at that age. They are playing with an emotion that they don't know how to use. And their emotions are encouraged and amplified by their hormones. So many of the children graduating from high school have already lost their purity. It is proof that they just don't know how to handle the emotion of love.

Parents, you must teach your children about love at an early age so that when they are ready to date as teenagers, they are mature enough to understand love and know how to use it.
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