Dec 28, 2008

Advice For Women in Sexless Marriages

Living in a marriage where your husband doesn't want to have sex isn't easy for a woman. So much of the connection between a wife and her husband is related to intimacy. If that part of your relationship has become non-existent it impacts everything else. Many women consider divorce when they are in this situation, but if you still love your husband, you likely want to save the relationship and find a way to reconnect on a physical level with him. There are things you can do to encourage your husband to want to be intimate with you again.

Sometimes a husband doesn't want to have sex with his wife because he feels disconnected emotionally from her. This happens if the couple is struggling with an issue that has left them at odds. It may be something related to the children or finances, but it's a thorn in the side of the marriage. In order to remedy this situation and rediscover the lost closeness with your husband you have to be willing to compromise. Find a way to reconcile the situation so that tension isn't there anymore.

Just as women worry about how they look, many men do as well. One reason your husband doesn't want to have sex with you may be related to how he feels about his appearance. Men can let their bodies go after marriage too and your husband may be feeling self-conscious if he's put on some weight. This can be a difficult subject to talk about so instead of trying to get him to open up about it, take some action. A wonderful and thoughtful approach is to simply start cooking healthier meals and have healthier snacks available to him. Also, encourage him to join a gym with you or accompany you on a nightly walk. Not only will this help both of you to become healthier and fitter, but it will also give you some quality one-on-one time.

Specific things you say and do can encourage natural responses within your husband that make him crave to be intimate with you. Saying or doing the wrong thing will only worsen the problem and can lead to your husband feeling emotionally detached from you.

Most couples struggle with discussing the issue of a sexless marriage and as a result, nothing ever changes and the wife becomes more and more frustrated. You can help your husband rediscover his desire for you. Don't waste another day wishing your intimate life was more fulfilling, change it now.
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