Dec 17, 2008

How to Accept an Undesirable Gift

Gift giving is a gesture usually from the heart for reasons of thanks, to make someone happy, a celebration or as a reward. The most important aspect of gift giving is that an item be chosen by the giver without the consent of the receiver. The gift giver has two options when buying a gift for someone: they know what you like or they have no idea. Use the tips in this article if you receive a gift that is found by you to be undesirable.

Thank the individual. If you want in a nice tone, ask them why they chose the particular gift for you. If it was a for a genuine reason and not them just passing off an unwanted gift they received themselves, the reasons behind their choice may be sentimental enough to outweigh the fact that you do not like it.

Step2 DON'T EMBARASS them.
It is just as undesirable for a recipient to laugh, shout in disgust or just outright say something like, "what is this?!" with an obvious tone that states it is consider by you to be unappreciated and or ugly.

Remember that if you are being given a gift by someone that doesn't know your taste and or flair well, they may be actually be choosing something they feel is special and or that they would buy for themselves. Finding disgust in the item, especially in front of them, can be as good as an insult on their person.

Step4 DON'T be overexcited about the present when you know that it is something you really don't like. If it is very expensive and you really don't like it, don't be afraid to say you can't accept it.
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