Dec 27, 2008

Draw Your Ex Back to You Like a Magnet

A break up is difficult and it gets even more difficult if you want to get your ex back once again. Numerous efforts from your end might fail to give you the kind of result that you have been looking for.

So then where's the catch?
Well, did you try to tickle your ex psychologically?
It's all about self control you see. If you can master this trait, you can have your ex back in life once again for sure. So instead of wasting any more time, try these psychological tricks to get your ex back...

Move On In Life-
This is one attitude that you need to put on. It's something that would make your ex wonder as to how you did it. You must act very cool and casual about the whole episode of break up and you need to be happy once gain, as happy as you were never before. This would trigger your ex's psychological-self and would compel him/her to think about everything that occurred between the two of you. If your ex still feels interested in you, he/she will find the way out.

Don't Try to Communicate-
If you've already made some attempts to get in touch with your ex, you should stop now. The lesser you communicate, the better you make a place in your ex's mind. Stop calling your ex and even stop going to places where you know you might meet your ex. If you suddenly disappear, you ex would try to communicate with you.

Flirt Around-
Well well...if you flirt with the opposite sex once your ex would not like it. It is psychological you see. The somehow cannot manage to cope up with the fact that their ex partners are interested in someone else; it is common with the both the sexes. Also while flirting, try to remember how you behaved with your ex and try to be like that. That would make your ex a bit jealous as well.
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