Dec 28, 2008

Get a Girlfriend in 2009?

Right after Christmas usually is when a lot of people seriously to begin focusing on what their New Year's resolutions will be for the upcoming year.

In the case of single men, now is the time you might begin to find yourself coming up with a New Year's resolution of getting a girlfriend or a serious relationship; after all it sounds good and it might even be something that you think you want. However, there is something that you need to know about New Year's resolutions! All resolutions really are goals in disguise. If you truly want to achieve your goals or resolutions for the upcoming year then one thing is for certain it must be self-generated and not dependent on anyone else. Which means you can pretty much take getting a girlfriend off of your list because that is something that is very much dependent on a woman. Now, in your mind what do you imagine are some of the reasons that you are currently single?

  • Do you have a problem with meeting women?
  • Are you afraid of being rejected?
  • What resources do you think you lack that is getting in the way of you having a girlfriend?
  • Do you even know what you want in a woman?

The answers to these questions will hopefully begin to give you an idea of some more empowering goals that you can work on in the upcoming year that will help you attract women and if you so desire even get in a relationship with a woman as well.
As a review, below I will give you the guidelines that you should follow in order to create the kind of goals that will help you get what you want in 2009 and beyond:
1.State what you want in the positive_
3.How will your life be different when you have it?
4.What are the benefits and costs of continuing your old behavior?
5.What are the benefits of your goal?
6.What has prevented you from achieving your goal?
7.What resources do you presently have to assist you in achieving your goal?
8.What additional resources do you need?
9.Just do it and do it now

Remember that you can start working on achieving your New Years resolutions right now as there is no need to wait till the clock strikes midnight on just another ordinary day plus you never know your goal just might be easier to accomplish than you think.

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