Jul 12, 2009

Types Of Grass

While designing on the type of lawn you want to maintain, amongst the first things that should be considered is the type of grass that you would like to use. However, apart from the overall appearance of a grass, there are a number of other factors that you need to keep in mind, while deciding about the one to be planted in your lawn. These include the type of climate in your region, the nature of soil in your lawn, the amount of traffic the lawn is likely to receive, amount of rainfall and sunlight that it will get, and so on. In the following lines, we have detailed the most popular types of grass, to help you make the decision wisely.

Different Types Of Grasses

Warm Season Grasses

Bermuda Grass
Native to North Africa, Asia and Australia and southern Europe, Bermuda grass is drought as well as cold tolerant. The blades are gray-green in color, resistant to majority of the diseases and tend to spread quickly and easily.

St. Augustine Grass
Mostly seen in the tropical and subtropical regions, St. Augustine grass is deep rooted and has the ability to grow in a short duration of time. It is tough in nature, forms a thick lawn very easily and requires low to medium maintenance.

Buffalo Grass
Another one of the warm season grasses that are considered drought tolerant, Buffalo grass is native to North America. A perennial short grass, it is known for low maintenance, having fine roots and withstanding extremes of temperature.

Zoysia Grass
Native to southeastern and eastern Asia (north to China and Japan) and Australasia, Zoysia comprises of eight species of creeping grasses. All of them have the ability of withstanding drought and are highly resilient in nature.

Resistant to drought as well as insect attacks, Bahiagrass is native to America and falls in the category of perennial grasses. It can survive in a wide variety of soils, but you will need to undertake maintenance to some an extent.

Cool Season Grasses

Kentucky Blue Grass
Native to the temperate regions of both hemispheres, Kentucky Blue Grass is so known because of the purplish blue phase of its seed stems. Comprising of both annual and perennial species, the grass is resilient to damage, to quite an extent.

Fine Fescue
Fine Fescue grass is known for its ability to survive extremes of cold temperature. It is also shade tolerant to some an extent and can easily survive with low maintenance. However, it cannot tolerate too much wear and tear.

Perennial Ryegrass
Perennial Ryegrass, as the name suggests, lasts for one season only and is mostly used as temporary ground cover. It grows easily as well as quickly and is best suited to moist, cool environments (where extremes are not witnessed).

Tall Fescue
Perennial in nature, Tall Fescue grass has a bunch-type growth and is quite susceptible to weeds. It can easily grow in shady areas and is perfect for lawns that witness high traffic. The grass has high draught tolerance as well.

Red Fescue
Mostly found in the northern and temperate areas, Red Fescue grass is quite popular in shaded, mountain sites. It can easily sustain itself through droughts, has a fine growth and boasts of narrow blades in deep green color.
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