Jul 6, 2009

Avoid These Most Common Greenhouse Mistakes

If you have gardened for any amount of time you have either wanted a greenhouse or wondered if getting a greenhouse would be a good thing for you to do. Most of us get on the internet and start doing research about all the things we need to consider; the climate we live in; ventilation; what we will grow and when; racks and shelves and so on and so forth.
If we decide that we will indeed get a greenhouse and get everything we can dream of out of it! We measure and check where the sun will be and then start looking for the best bang for our buck. It is here that most of us make a mistake that will come back to haunt us in a very short time; we buy a green house that ends up being too small.
You might think it's the money that makes the difference but that's not it at all. We underestimate what can be done in the grow house and end up with more plans and plants than room! We are then forced to go back and purchase a second greenhouse to either supplement the first one or replace it. The problem is that if you don't have experience to know what you really want to do so you go into the greenhouse experience a little bit blind.
With that said, there are a few things to consider about how you garden and what your intent is with your new greenhouse that can help you determine the best size. If you are the experimenter type just save yourself the trouble and buy one to two sizes larger than you think you need because you will be using your greenhouse for a lot of things on a year round basis.
If you are the type that loves to be outside in the garden even if it's a bit chilly or windy and your spouse thinks you are crazy, buy one size larger than you think you need. If you just garden to grow some vegetables and are hoping to do the same; just longer or year round, make sure you get a greenhouse with a high insulation ratio and you will need to determine what kinds of vegetables and herbs you plan to grow and make sure you have enough expansion room to grow everything you want to in the dead of winter. Again, buy at least one size more than you think you need.
Unless you just want to putter around and play with growing in a greenhouse buy one size more than you think you need. In other words, buy at least one size more than you think you need. It will, in the long run, save you time, money and frustration.
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