Jul 13, 2009

Quickly Sell Your House by Using This Checklist

Don't let people tell you that selling a house, especially quickly, is an easy thing. There is a process involved to sell your house. Wouldn't it be nice if all we had to do was 1) publish our house, 2) meet a potential buyer, 3) negotiate, 4) sell the house? But as most of us know, it doesn't work that way.

We have prepared a checklist to sell your house. Now, by following this checklist, there are no guarantees, but it should make it easier to sell your house, and more quickly too.

A) Do you want to have an agent to sell your house or would you rather do it yourself? Sure, there are fees and commissions involved if you use an agent, but you may decide it's worth it. An agent will carry out all the business of your home in correlation of your checklist. But, it you decide you want to do it yourself, it will cost you effort and time, but it will save you money.

B) Be an informed seller and you will have to communicate. This is all correlated with your promotion strategy. Don't forget to use the media, such as the newspaper, pamphlet, and one of the biggies in today's society--the web, the Internet.

C) Have you done preparations on the house itself? Don't forget this, or else your house will have a tough time selling and will not sell quickly. How's the house's exterior and interior. Does it need repairing or painting? How are the appliances in the home? You might have to decide if you are going to pay a professional to do pre-listing house inspection of not.

D) You might have to sell you unnecessary furniture or appliances.

E) Now comes the big one that one's don't want to face sometimes: Getting familiar with financing terms, like mortgage financing.What is fixed, adjustable, seller financing, assumable loans, pre-qualified, pre-approved, commitment, escrow, etc.

F) Another one that people sometimes hates: Negotiation. Are you up-to-speed on contract, offer, deal, etc. You should learn how to do offer approaching and the legal transaction process.

G) Learn to know what you can improve or can't improve in your house. You can improve interior, exterior, etc, but you cannot improve the location of the house, or the style of the house, etc.

H) Will you be providing a home warranty to your house?

I) Have you decided what you will do at the closing and settlement to the buyer?

J) Lastly, have you made moving plans?

Hopefully, this checklist will provide some help for you to sell your house, and quickly too, but as you can see, there are several things you need to consider when selling your house. Now, if you decide to pay a realty agent to organize all these things, just let them carry it out, and your involvement in this home selling process will decrease.
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1 comments: on "Quickly Sell Your House by Using This Checklist"

sellmyhouseinaz said...

Thanks for giving the information I also want to sell my house

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