Jul 3, 2009

3 Tips For Keeping Your Gardening Tools Clean and Ready

Admit it. You've tilled the soil, added in compost, and turned the soil some more. Next thing you know, it's 3pm and you need to go shower before you go make dinner. And you either leave out your tools intending to clean them tomorrow, or you put them away intending to clean them before the next use.

This unfortunately will dull and wear away your tools. They're like an investment and should be taken care of. And thankfully, it really will take less then a few minutes to clean them off before putting them away.

I personally do the cleanup outside. When I bring out the tools, I bring out all of my cleaning items and put them by a hose. That way, when I'm walking back to the garage, I can clean my tools before I put them away. And if I need to wash off something, the hose is right there.

First, invest in a stiff bristle brush. You shouldn't need a wire brush for this. When you're done, bring the tools into your shed or garage, and keep the brush within easy reach of where you usually work. Quickly brush down the shovel, till, spade, etc. Wash it off if needed. I really don't like compost or manure being left on in any form.

Second, never put your tools away wet. This will bring about rust, and any remaining dirt will dry on fast and stay stuck there until you take a putty knife to it. Keep a towel around just for drying it off. If there's any additional dirt left, it should come off easily.

Finally, take an oily rag and rub down the metal portion of the tool. This keeps the metal protected and makes it easier to use the next time. This doesn't have to be fancy oil. A simple and inexpensive general purpose oil will do the trick.

How often should you sharpen your cutting tools? The rule of thumb is once a year. If the blades are really dull or they've got nicks on them, bring the cutters to a professional. Make it easy on yourself.

I'm a convert from the resentful gardener to the passionate one. I discovered self-watering containers last year, and have fallen in love with gardening all over again. In Silicon Valley, I have a great growing season and hope to instill passion for plants into others.
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