Jul 12, 2009

Remove Wallpaper Easily

Wallpapers can sometimes be a pain in your neck, especially when they have become completely worn out. The old, dingy wallpapers can, in fact, abate the beauty of an otherwise decent home. If your friends have been suggesting you to contest in ugly wallpapers competition, it is time for you to let go of your old wallpaper. We agree that doing so is not easy, not only because of sentimental reasons, but also because of its strict adherence to the wall. Removing wallpapers can be messy and difficult. However, this complicated process can be made easier with the help of right tools and techniques. Moreover, it needs time and patience and if not done properly, it can damage the wall itself. In cannot afford to hire a professional for removing the wallpaper or you want to do it as a DIY project, here are some tips to help you out. Read on to know how to remove wallpaper simply and effortlessly.

Removing Wallpapers

*The first thing, which you have to do, is take everything off the wall, from which you want to strip the paper. Move the furniture out of the room and put drop cloths on the rugs, carpets as well as the floor. You can even consider fastening the drop cloth with something, as it shifts faster.

*Before starting the wallpaper removal process, check whether your walls are made of concrete or drywall. A plastered wall is less delicate and so you can scrape hard, if the paper doesn’t come out. However, it is not a good idea to do so with drywalls, as they may get damaged by hard scraping.

*If the walls are plastered, you can use the dry stripping method. Take a plastic scraper, which is easily available in hardware shops, and start with a corner. If the paper comes off in thin long strips, your job is easy. Just scrape all the papers and find your walls wallpaper-free.

*If the wallpapers are very old or a multiple of wallpapers have been used, one after other, it would take you longer to strip them out. You will have to work patiently and slowly, to get rid of them.

*If your plastered walls have been mistreated and layered with multiple of wallpapers, using steamers is a good option. Steam the wall, starting from a small section and working from top to bottom. Allow the steam to sir for about five minutes and then remove it with the help of a scraper.

*You may need to repeat the process 4-5 times, to get the wallpaper completely off the wall. After you have stripped the walls, you can wash them with soapy water, to take off the glue.

*You can also use your own mixture for removing the wallpapers. Mix half a gallon of hot water with half a cup of fabric softener. Wet your wallpaper evenly with this mixture and leave for twenty minutes. Now, remove the wallpaper with a putty knife or scraper.
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