Jul 19, 2009

Clean Your Bathroom Easily

1--Put on some music. Radio, ipod, stereo. Whatever, cleaning is always made easier when your singing along to your favorite song.

2--get some gloves and old rags, you don't mind messing up from chemicals. Always old clothes when cleaning.

3--Remove all knick knacks and items in your bathroom (ie, anything you don't cleaner on). Place them in you hallway.

4--Pick up the throw rugs and clothes on the floor. Shake or beat the rugs outside, to remove dust. Wash them if possible. As for the clothes put them in a giant pile so you know they need to washed later on.

5--Remove all dirty towels to be washed.

6--Now that the floor is cleared, Sweep or vacuum it.

7--Spray the counter tops with cleaner and let it do the work.

8--Spray the mirror and wipe it down.

9--Spray the toilet inside and out. Let the cleaner sit.

10--Go back to the counter top, scrub and wipe it down.

11--Spray the bathtub and shower down (you may need to do this twice if your shower or tub gets really dirty)

12--Scrub the inside of the toilet with a brush, then flush to rinse the bowl out. Wipe the outside of the toilet. Don't forget to wipe the place behind the seat and the outside of the toilet bowl and the base.

13--Scrub the tub or shower and rinse. (if you want to wash the shower curtain you can wash it by it's self in the washing machine in cold water on the delicate cycle. Remove it promptly and hang back up to drip dry. NEVER put it in the dryer.)

14--If you have a linoleum floor or tile, mop the floor. If the room is small, you can spray your cleaner directly onto the floor and wipe it up with a sponge or cleaning rag. Let it dry for 10-15 minutes.

15--Put the rugs and knick knacks back. Check your toilet paper, and lay out fresh towels

16--Enjoy the benefits of a clean bathroom!
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