Jul 14, 2009

How to Save Energy in the Summer

Utility bills don't have to skyrocket just because the temperature does. These guidelines follow the recommendations of Pacific Gas and Electric Company.

*Use exterior shades, awnings or deciduous plants to shelter your house from sunlight.

*Keep your air conditioning condenser shaded.

*Keep your furnace pilot light off during the summer.

*Use pool covers to prevent heat loss by evaporation and to save energy.

*Reduce pool water temperature and limit the number of months you heat your pool.

Daily Energy-Saving Tips

*Close your windows whenever you're cooling your home.

*Consider installing a programmable thermostat for your air conditioner, which will bring the temperature down in small increments when set in program mode.

*Close off rooms that don't need cooling if you have individual room thermostat controls.

*Clean air conditioner filters regularly.

*Check regularly to see that your pool cleaning and heating equipment is clean and lubricated.
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