May 24, 2009

Should You Stay Or Go? 3 Signs it Might Be Time to Let Go of a Relationship

Most people go into relationships hoping for a union that will be mutually loving, caring, and fulfilling. For two emotionally balanced people who have respect, commitment, and communication with one another, this is a reasonable result. However, there are situations where one or both parties have personal issues or problems that cause destruction in the relationship, and cause it to become toxic. Here are 3 signs that the problems run so deep it may be time to consider ending the relationship:

1. Your partner is abusive toward you in any way. This includes physical abuse, which is very dangerous. If this is occurring, get help from a domestic violence shelter or counselor who specializes in this kind of issue. Leaving can be a dangerous time and professional guidance is must. If you are experiencing emotional abuse, which is criticism and controlling behavior that causes feelings of worthlessness, inferiority, and even worries about mental sanity, this is damaging as well. Over time it can lead to lowered self esteem and depression.

2. Your partner has an addiction that he or she in unwilling to deal with or get treatment for. It is very difficult to manage in this situation. You are likely to be tempted to try to help or rescue your partner from the consequences of his or her using of substances, but this only reinforces the disfunction. Your partner will not take responsibility if you are doing it for him or her. Unfortunately, your partner is likely to be focused on the next high rather than in being fully present in your relationship. In addition, you face possible consequences such as legal or financial issues as result of DUI's or accidents while using.

3. Your partner persists in a pattern of affairs and infidelity. An affair doesn't have to mean the end, but both partners need to recommit and improve communication and accountability to repair the relationship. If the infidelity continues or proves to be a pattern, there is no foundation to build any trust or honest relationship upon.
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