May 5, 2009

Interior Decorating Ideas for Small Spaces

Are you looking for some interior decorating ideas that won't break your budget? If so, you will be happy to know that there are plenty of changes you can make in your small space that will help spruce it up without hurting your pocketbook.

When it comes to budget decorating, the simplest change you can make is color. With a little paint, you can really open up a space and make it appear brighter and more welcoming. If you want to make your space look bigger, try dabbling in bright colors that will help lighten up the room. If you are looking for a cozy space, on the other hand, keep your colors on the darker side. Either way, a bucket or two of paint won't put too much strain on your budget.

Other budget interior decorating ideas include finding ways to catch the eye of everyone that enters the room. Purchase a few inexpensive frames from the dollar store and put some of your favorite photos inside. Or, purchase some charming posters and put them in the frames and hang them in your space. By doing a little bit of shopping around, you will certainly be able to find a great piece to put in the frame and display in your small space. Just make sure you don't overdo it. Putting too many pictures on your wall will look cluttered and unattractive.

Throw pillows and rugs are also great when it comes to budget decorating. Simply throwing a few pillows on a couch or chair can help you achieve an entirely new color scheme. Yet, you can purchase great throw pillows for less than $20 each and they can be changed out regularly in order to create a fresh and attractive look.
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1 comments: on "Interior Decorating Ideas for Small Spaces"

Anonymous said...

Decorating your home can be an exciting experience. Whether you have just moved into a new place or you are merely looking for a new style, it can be a lot of fun. My house was decorate Nina . A professional in this regard and in my low budget she did her job very well