Mar 29, 2009

The 7 Mind Games Women Play

You've long suspected it, and we're confirming it right now - your woman is toying with you, testing you, and trying your patience. Your every move is under intense scrutiny in her search for the hidden meaning of your actions.
Are you passing these pop quizzes?

Girl Game #1: The Baiting Game
The classic example is "Does this make me look fat?" but this game can also be disguised as "Is she prettier than I am?" or "Am I the best you've ever had?" She wants your reassurance (you knew that, right?)...but the way she frames the question, it's impossible for you to answer it in a way that will satisfy her. Our advice? Somewhere in your answer, you'd better use the phrase "sexiest woman alive."

Girl Game #2: Your Attention, Please
Even if she doesn't say it, she notices if you remember her sister's layoff or her best friend's pregnancy. She wonders about the hidden meaning of your gifts to her (did you buy her bath salts after she mentioned how much she loves soaking in the tub, or did you pick up another generic gift certificate?). If she's having a bad day, do you stop by to cheer her up, preferably with her favorite ice cream, or do you tell her to feel better and then hit the town with your cronies?

Girl Game #3: What Do You Care?
You were gentleman enough to walk her to her door for your first few months of dating (you did know enough to do that, right?), but now she checks to see that you at least wait until she's safely inside before speeding home to catch Sports Center. She's also keeping tabs on how you treat the waiters, how you treat your mother, and how you talk about your exes.

Girl Game #4: The 'We Need to Talk' Test
It's no coincidence that she springs those four little words on you at the most inconvenient time - during the final play of the big game, right before sex, or whenever else you're otherwise distracted. The topic of the conversation isn't part of the quiz - it's whether or not you show her that she's a priority. Meaning you'd better put down the remote and listen up.

Girl Game #5: Sex as a Bargaining Tool
Your suspicions are correct: She does use sex as a weapon. She withholds it when she's mad, gives it when she's trying to placate you, and promises it in return for other goods and services. Roll with it - hey, taking out the trash isn't so bad if you know you're going to get lucky - but don't let her always use this arrangement. You shouldn't have to pay dues to get her desire.

Girl Game #6: The Cold Shoulder
Uh-oh, she's mad and you're getting the silent treatment and don't know why (again!). Don't bother asking what you did wrong - the fact that you don't know is just going to earn you more punishment. Try to figure it out while she cools off, and then work together to resolve it.

Girl Game #7: The Jezebel Mind Tricks
She's got a whole arsenal of mind games she can play with you, including reverse psychology (when she says the opposite of what she wants in order to get you to do exactly what she wants) and those times when she seems to expect you to be able to read her mind. Pay close attention to her actions - even if she says she's happy to wash those dishes herself, she expects you to help if you hear her banging the pots and pans - and, if all else fails, just ask her what you can do to make her happy.
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