Mar 9, 2009

11 Highly Annoying Habits of Rude People

Highly annoying habits and just plain bad manners can come in the form of everything from using the telephone and the computer to dining out in public and just dealing with people and the public in general. "The customer is always right" died years ago, right along with ignorant people that plow their way into the express lane that plainly states "10 items or less" with their heaping grocery carts filled to the brim with six of each item that the store sells. At this point you are faced with either, blowing your top, praying that the sales clerk speaks up, or stepping in front of the offender while bringing it to their attention that they are over the limit. I mean, what is the worst that can happen? Dirty looks, a cat fight, or a highly annoying habit being brought out into the open? I am not sure that I want to test the water with this one, so I will continue to deal with the rude people of the world, while secretly counting to ten along with shooting daggers into the back of their head.

Bad Manners are Everywhere
I have noticed that there are still a few people out there that will hold open a door for someone else, and I have also witnessed mannerly people getting knocked down to size by highly annoying ill-mannered people that appear to have come straight from the barnyard. I am a true believer that good manners should never go out of style, but instead refresher courses need to be shown to the ignorant people that pretend that they do not exist anymore. With this in mind I have listed the top annoying habits that really get my goat, and they are in no particular order.

Highly Annoying Habits
  • Nose Blowing
    This is not only rude, but it is a pet peeve with me. I am talking about people who blow their noses in restaurants. This will ruin my appetite immediately, and it never fails to put a lump in my throat. Please, use the bathroom for this highly annoying habit.
  • Farting
    I find it hard to believe that anyone would have the guts to openly fart in public, but they do, and some are even proud of the noise or the nauseating smell that they have shared by processing it through the air. This is most definitely wrong to do to others in enclosed places like elevators or small and poorly ventilated rooms. Once again, go to the bathroom to do your business, and no I do not want to pull your finger!
  • Buffets
    They have stacks of clean plates sitting readily available for your convenience, so then why do people insist upon loading up their dirty plates after round one at the buffet? This is gross, highly annoying, and just plain rude. Nobody, I repeat nobody wants to eat something that you have dipped into, especially after you have allowed the serving utensil to touch you're already eaten off of plate. Use common sense and grab a new plate, that's what they are there for.
  • Eating
    Smacking, snorting, growling, grunting, belching, licking the plate, nibbling on your fingers while making sucking noises, and talking with your mouth full of food will not earn any rewards. Put your animal instincts away, along with your caveman tendencies and eat like a human that has a shred of dignity still intact and quit grossing out the world!
  • Supermarket Lines
    Once you have unloaded your groceries, and the cashier is almost done ringing your order, and you suddenly realize that you forgot to pick up something, "do not walk off" to get what you forgot and hold up the line. Other shoppers should not have to suffer over your memory lapse. Instead, do the humane thing, like complete your shopping order, go back and get the forgotten item, and wait in line again.
  • Parking in the Loading Zone This one aggravates me as it causes pile ups in front of busy stores, and besides, I just had to walk 10 city blocks from the parking area to the store entrance, so what make you the oh so special one?
  • Store Aisles
    Do not leave your buggy in the middle of the aisle while you are making up your mind between brands a & b. Do not walk directly, and as slowly as possible in the middle of the aisle. Move to the side of the aisle so that faster paced walkers or grocery carts can get by, and before turning corners in the store, look ahead and make sure that nobody is coming, especially if you are a speed demon with a buggy.
  • Money
    Friends and money simply do not mix. The combination is dangerous, and since a fight over money is one of the fastest ways to end a friendship, its best to avoid money changing hands, but If you are the charitable type and you know that a friend is in need of money, and they haven't yet asked you for a loan, tact is needed when you approach them. The rudest thing you can do is embarrass them by publicly offering your charity. Instead, wait until you are alone and tell them you'd like to help out until they get back on their feet.
  • Borrowing Money from Friends or Relatives
    If you owe someone money, pay them back all of it, and on the date that you promised. It shows good character and sets a precedent should the roles be reversed. If you owe a friend or relative a large amount of money, you should be the one to make contact and suggest an acceptable payment plan. If you can't come up with the money, then be honest about it. They are not a credit card company or a bank, and you could be hurting their finances by not paying them back in a timely fashion.
  • E-mail
    Including hundreds of e-mail addresses from Aunt Bessie to your next door neighbor in the To: field. These people do not know each other, and more than likely they do not want their e-mail passed around to every Tom, Dick, and Harry on the planet. This is a serious breach of privacy when you expose your contact's e-mail addresses to strangers and, you will probably be viewed as rude, so don't do it!
  • Cell Phones They are handy and convenient most of the time, but they can be highly annoying to the people around you. Elevators, libraries, museums, restaurants, cemeteries, theaters, doctor waiting rooms, places of worship, auditoriums or other enclosed public spaces, such as hospital emergency rooms or buses are not the place to carry on in loud conversation.

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