Aug 28, 2009

Good Tips To Control Weeds In Your Garden

Your Zen-inspired garden is peaceful. A bubbling pond provides soothing sounds and smooth river-polished stones present a sculptural background for graceful plants and grasses. Wind chimes play in the breeze. But wait! Where did those weeds come from? How did they burst through several inches of rock? Weeds are tenacious, and if you're concerned about waging war against weeds with clouds of chemicals, using landscape cloth may be the answer for controlling weeds in your garden.

A Little Work Now Can Prevent Weeds Later
Landscape cloth is widely available at lawn and garden centers, home and garden shows and home improvement retailers. It is a tightly woven fabric that permits water drainage, but prevents weeds from sprouting through it. Here are some tips for installing landscape cloth:

--Prepare the soil in the area you're landscaping: Rototilling, leveling, add soil amendments as necessary.

--Place the landscaping cloth over the soil. Even out wrinkles and trim if necessary. Secure the landscape cloth with the stakes supplied for this purpose.

--For planting, cut an "x" shape just large enough to accommodate each plant. Try to avoid any gaps or large openings in the landscape cloth. Drip lines can be installed on top of the landscape cloth.

--When your plantings are in place, you can cover the landscape cloth with mulch, stones, or gravel. Water well, and enjoy your new garden.

Landscape cloth is made to enhance your lawn and gardens in various ways. It can also be used to secure soil and plantings on slopes. Consult your local nursery or landscape specialist for advice on using landscape cloth for challenging locations.
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