Jun 11, 2009

7 Little Known Tips That Will Save You Money on Gas

With the rising cost of gas prices, and no end in sight, everyone wants to save as much money at the gas pump as they possibly can. You may not be able to control the price of gas but you can change certain habits and follow some basic guidelines to help you save as much money as possible.

1. Multitask your shopping expeditions

If you know of a certain gas station that consistently sells lower priced gas and it’s out of your way, you might want to consider making a weekly journey to this destination.

This way you can take a day to get gas, buy your groceries, and take a walk in the park within a different area of the city where you live. In effect, what you are doing is multitasking and saving money on your fuel costs at the same time.

2. Paying for your gas the smart way

One of the ways that you can save money at the gas pump is by using a gasoline credit card. When you have a gas card you’ll be able to get 5 or 10 percent back on the purchase of your gas.

This can amount to as much as $300 each year. If you have multiple drivers in your family you’ll want to make sure that every car driving person carries a gasoline credit card with them so that you can take advantage of multiple gas sales.

Many gasoline companies are joining up with other retailers to give you numerous savings at the gas pump. You’ll be able to not only save on your gas purchase, but you’ll be able to earn points towards your next purchase with participating retailers.

3. Buy your gas in the morning or evening

Gasoline becomes denser in colder temperatures. Gas pumps are set to measure the volume of the fuel that you pump -- not the density.

This means that if you fill up your gas tank in the cooler morning temperatures or in the colder evening hours, you’ll be getting better gas price economy. (Try to fill up your gas tank later in the evening to avoid the rush of day hours.)

4. Buy gas from a busy station

Try to buy your gas from a gas station that is consistently busy and therefore has its underground tanks filled on a regular basis. Gas stations that are slow will have gas that has been sitting in underground tanks for longer periods of time, leading to gas contamination.

This contamination can mean that the gas you are purchasing is less powerful than fresh gas and will decrease your fuel economy.

5. Avoid fast getaways at the stoplight

Accelerate slowly when the light turns green. The faster that you accelerate the more gas that you are going to consume.

Make sure you start at the stoplight slow and steady so that you conserve as much fuel as possible while you are going from a stopped position into driving mode.

It may be tempting for younger people to accelerate and race away from the stoplight. Don’t fall into this trap and you can save up to 20 percent in fuel costs just by being a safe driver.

6. Accelerate before hills

If you are approaching a hill try to accelerate before you reach the hill. This will help you to use up less gas while you are climbing the hill in your car.

Remember to accelerate in a safe manner or you won’t be able to use this gas saving tip. You in no way want to put your life, or the lives of others, in any danger.

7. Ride a bike!

People know this works, but don’t do it! Try it, you might like it! You can save lots of money on gas, help the environment, and help your body. (Even a motorcycle or moped will save you money on gas.)
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2 comments: on "7 Little Known Tips That Will Save You Money on Gas"

Unknown said...

The thought that buying your gas in the morning or the afternoon because it's denser due to temperature fluctuations seems ridiculous. The tanks are buried deeply enough that their temperature remains relatively constant as does the density of the gas. Better to advise people not to buy gas when a bulk delivery is being made or has just been made since that stirs up the sediments that have settled on the bottom of the tank and can lead to premature injector damage if the fuel filter is not properly replaced at intervals.

John_Doe said...

" Even a motorcycle or moped will save you money on gas "

The extra cost on insurance will eat up any savings on the gas you save ( Not counting the actual cost of purchasing the motorcycle and required riding gear ) That said, riding a motorcycle is a personal choice and it if keeps mileage off your car, you may get a better trade allowance in for it.